Sandalwood essential oil: properties, use and contraindications

Sandalwood essential oil is derived from Santalum album, a plant of the Santalaceae family. Known for its numerous properties, it performs a harmonizing, aphrodisiac and antiseptic action, useful for diarrhea, depression and acne. Let's find out better.

Properties and benefits of sandalwood essential oil

Harmonizing, sandalwood essential oil balances the whole chakra energy system, calming and facilitating spiritual development. Its particular merit consists in the fact that it manages to calm the mental work that often distracts those who meditate. By placating the rational part of the mind, it allows it to enter the deeper stages of meditation.

This is advisable when preparing to take a healing session and in self-healing. Transmits openness of spirit, warmth and understanding. Reduces stress, calms aggression, agitation and fear, indicated in case of insomnia. Supports those who practice yoga against anxiety and depression, to regain serenity.

Aphrodisiac transforms sexual energy by elevating it on the spiritual level. Reduces aggression and violent instincts, loosens exasperation and releases blocked sexual energy. Sexual disorders linked to depressive states are often solved thanks to the use of this oil. However, it is more suitable for active people than for phlegmatic individuals. Although it has always been considered a powerful and precise sign of male eros, sandalwood essential oil gives off a soft and warm force that envelops men and women with equal beneficial effects.

It works by balancing sexuality with the spirit, promoting the integration of the sacred with the profane: for this reason it is used in tantra yoga schools to transform sexual energies into spiritual energies. It is therefore not a direct aphrodisiac, as its action is predominantly meditative and directed towards interiority: it is indicated to subjects who experience sexuality superficially.

Antiseptic, like all essential oils, has an antibacterial action against urinary and respiratory tract infections, useful in cases of cystitis, sore throat and laryngitis, also in the skin to treat and prevent acne and mouth irritation. The expectorant property is effective against coughs and colds.

Description of the plant

Tree originating from the Malay archipelago and the East Indies, evergreen, which reaches a maximum height of 10-12 meters. The leaves are elliptical with an integer margin, alternate. The flowers are small and pink. The fruit is fleshy and shows a persistent calyx.

Part used

Wood and roots.

Extraction method

Steam current distillation.

Note sandalwood essential oil

Base Note: woody fragrance, sweet, balsamic, intense.

Discover all the properties and benefits of sandalwood too

Practical advice and use of sandalwood essential oil

Environmental diffusion: 1 gc for every square meter of the environment in which it spreads, using essential oil burners, or in radiator humidifiers.

Suffumigi: bring water to a boil in a saucepan, remove it from the heat, add the 5-8 drops of essence, cover the head with a towel and breathe the nose with steam, in case of cough and flu.

Hip bath: prepare the water to cover the entire basin. Add 12-15 drops of sandalwood essence and remain immersed for at least a quarter of an hour. Repeat daily, even twice a day, until cystitis persists

Packs: in 200 ml of distilled or boiled water and cool, dilute 10 drops of sandalwood essential oil. With gauze tablets, pack on the area that has acne. Continue for a quarter of an hour, twenty minutes. Repeat once a day, as long as necessary.

Contraindications of sandalwood essential oil

Sandalwood essential oil does not irritate or sensitize and is not toxic . It is good to pay attention not to use it in case of severe kidney diseases and for periods not exceeding 6 weeks. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation .


Sandalwood is an ancient plant of Indian and Chinese religious and ceremonial culture, used for funerals. For 4000 years the aroma of sandalwood essential oil has been appreciated, so much so that it is traditionally used in schools of Tantric Yoga to help awaken the kundalini, the sexual energy.

In addition to its environmental diffusion, it has always been used in the East, as an ingredient for embalming, for cosmetics, and as a sacred wood for the construction of temples.

In traditional Chinese medicine it is used in stomach pain, vomiting, gonorrhea and skin diseases.

In ayurvedic medicine it is used in urinary and respiratory infections and to fight against diarrhea.

Its use as a urinary tract disinfectant and gonorrhea, was introduced in Europe by Arab doctors. Today it is used in perfumery for the preparation of soaps, cosmetics and lotions.

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