Yoga in pregnancy: origins, practice, benefits

Yoga during pregnancy helps to alleviate all the typical ailments such as nausea, fatigue and swelling. Let's find out better.


Origins and philosophy of yoga in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a completely new physical and mental state that the woman is faced with. The continuous hormonal and physical modifications to which it is subject during the 9 months of waiting for the birth make the practice of yoga during pregnancy very favorable, which allows to enter more in confidence and listening to one's body, its changes and its needs.

But even with regards to mood management, and above all the fear related to childbirth, the particular combination of physical exercise, breathing and meditation proper to yoga (in this case mainly Hatha yoga) favors a more peaceful approach at the time of labor.


During pregnancy the lessons change according to the quarter in which the pregnant woman is. In any case it is always advisable to carry out a complete lesson that includes asana, pranayama and relaxation.

1st quarter. All classical yoga positions can be practiced without restrictions. The only care is to drink plenty of water to keep hydration high.

2nd quarter. The joints begin to loosen so some positions are no longer viable. In this month we begin to practice those exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back and the pelvic wall. Exercises lying on the back are also avoided to keep the flow to the uterus constant.

3rd quarter. The positions are now practiced with the least possible effort and paying close attention and never perform abrupt or abdominal compression movements. The practice of Pranayama is also favored to prepare for the moment of birth, in which good breathing is essential for relaxation and the facilitation of labor.

Serene pregnancy with yoga

The benefits of Yoga in pregnancy

Yoga in pregnancy helps alleviate all the typical ailments such as nausea, tiredness, swelling (especially of legs and feet). This is achieved through the regulation of blood circulation - through the breath - which is slowed down during this period due to the fact that it is necessary to pump blood for two.

Moreover yoga, and in particular the asanas recommended for pregnancy, strengthens the control of the pelvic and back muscles, thus helping the future puerpera to take the right position at the time of delivery .

Breathing exercises, especially Ujjayi breathing, help improve the control of emotions, especially fear. Fear produces adrenaline which, during childbirth, can be very counterproductive as it is an antagonist of oxytocin, the hormone that advances labor.

The practice of yoga promotes self-relaxation and teaches not to stiffen the body in moments of tension, which could prove to be fundamental during childbirth.

To avoid

During pregnancy all upside down positions and some styles in particular such as Bikram yoga (warm yoga) that could lead to overheating of the body should be avoided.

Also Kapalabhati breathing - called "breath of fire" in Kundalini yoga - is to be avoided especially in the first trimester.

Curiosities about Yoga during pregnancy

Yoga in pregnancy is good for the mother but is also good for the baby . In fact, during nine months in the maternal womb the unborn child absorbs moods and moods of the mother.

Practicing yoga helps you to relax and come into contact with your deep self, so the sensations transmitted to the child will be of harmony and inner peace, helping to create harmony in the unborn child from the first moments of his life.

What are the right exercises and sports to do during pregnancy?

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