The iridology and the work of the iridologist

Iridology is a holistic discipline (olos = everything) that leads us to discover the degree and health conditions of the whole subject starting from the physical framework but also psycho-emotional.

The iris signs will indicate both the predispositions to certain "pathologies" to which the subject may tend as a result of traumas suffered or surgical interventions also in the past.

The Naturopathic Iridologist will be able to assess current problems and best advise not only natural remedies but dictates for a natural lifestyle that brings him back into balance and therefore healthy.

Looking at the iris map, the various modifications and alterations of the fibers of the iris, whether they are chromatic or not, but also considering the age of the subject, the facial features of his face, his hands and nails, here we will have a clear and complete picture of the body's health condition.

The iridological survey allows to outline a complete picture of the subject examined starting from his energetic "quid", that is from the index of vitality, mood, immune defenses, personality, overloads and deficiencies, ability to eliminate metabolic residues, the level of stress etc ...

Another strong point is that of being able to identify, through the reading of the iris, the causes connected to the imbalances and to the energy-functional problems that the subject presents.

Through iridology there is no diagnosis (proper of the doctor), but only health findings are made considering the current organic and emotional processes in progress, the inflammatory and congestive states that may exist but also the state of organic poisoning and of which organ or apparatus is found. We will investigate the alterations of the humors (blood and lymph) as well as the imbalances of the nervous system.

The organism is a single entity and the same will be for the problematic that will be established, all seen in the perspective of the organic rebalancing that has nothing to do with the conventional pathology of medical science.

Iridology is therefore a useful means of investigation to work in prevention before the "disease" is established by helping the subject with natural remedies and rebalancing techniques and dietary advice in order to bring everything back into balance and therefore in health.

The eye is a very important means to observe from the outside what happens inside the body.

Iridology as a valid tool

Your irises are unique, each of us has an iris different from all the others, not only in color but also the myriad of structural variations that can be observed in each iris (and there are no 2 equal ones) constitute the test, genetically established of your uniqueness.

It is estimated that the genotypic, phenotypic, organic, functional, etc. iris signs are approximately 1600 !!

Even it is thought that in the not too distant future the iris will be used as identification for each subject being 10 times safer than fingerprints.

It is true, however, that the iris changes and changes its structure depending on the diet, the drugs introduced, the environment in which we live more or less polluted etc ... so there can be no identification that is worth now and forever.

In a holistic view, the iridologist will therefore evaluate not only the reading of the iris that will give him considerable suggestions, but also the entire physical person and not the various factors that have guided his life.

Hippocrates said "it is more important to know the type of person who has the disease, rather than the illness that a person has": 'iridology therefore observes the person as a whole .

How and what the iridological exam values

Iridology depends on the examination of the eye and what can be used is a magnifying glass with light or an iridoscope, these are the tools used by the iridologist.

At the beginning of an iridological consultation, one of the most frequently asked questions is "will you now tell me what is wrong with me?" The answer will be "no, I will tell you what works in her".

The people who go to the iridologist are curious to know what he will tell them by reading their iris, while they should be aware of the fact that it is not a divinatory art or the reading of cards but the individuation, through this stupendous organ that we provides the body with momentary imbalances or individual predispositions.

How does the iris represent this?

The eye is an extroflexion of the brain in connection through the optic nerve, it signals any imbalance of the organism through precise signs, but it will also indicate the character of the subject and its predispositions depending on the constitution and terrain.

In the individual his computer is the brain, the eyes, and not only that, are the screen of the soul, but also of health.

It is known that tissues of each organ are wrapped in a nervous network that perceives every slight alteration and communicates it to the brain, through medullary nerve bundles, and from the brain information is transmitted to the iris.

Each organ is connected to the iris by thousands of nerve fibers.

In the eye the body is projected in an upright position and therefore the right half is represented in the right iris, the left half is represented in the left iris, this is therefore valid for all the organs.

Each sector of the iris corresponds to an organ of our body.

It is known that severe liver disorders turn the conjunctiva yellow or that the pupil dilates or shrinks in those who use drugs.

Likewise the presence of spots or pigmentation (lack of color) or other signs manifest ongoing illnesses.

Constitutional information

The iridoscopic examination is not based on the disease, but on various considerations, for example the life style of the individual to establish the best state of health.

In this context, iridology plays a fundamental role because it provides information on the constitution of the individual, on his nature, on his personality.

The constitution outlines the predispositions to which we are subjected, as guidelines of the innate way in which our body reacts.

Iridology also provides indications on how the constitution was influenced by the choices and living conditions.

The iridologist will then be able to give the right advice by following the indications that the iris reveals to him and help the subject in question to restore health and to maintain it thanks to a healthier lifestyle and abandon the bad habits that have it. led to "accentuate" his predispositions.

Iridology provides fundamental information: strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and risks, etc. Therefore, evaluating the positive characteristics is just as important as the weaknesses for bringing the individual back into balance and into an optimal state of health.

These factors can then reveal something about our life journey, our relationship with others, the environment around us, the family and work environment.

Let's learn from the symptoms

A pain or some kind of outburst is a message coming from the inside that communicates some need to correct something, this is already read in the iris even before the symptom explodes.

We must therefore also learn to listen to ourselves and understand that first the iridological evaluation is based and will have easier work in prevention, that is, before something is triggered outside by going to work on the constitutional field.

With iridology you can opt for a preventive strategy, thanks to which the individual becomes aware of the potential difficulties and thus take preventive countermeasures to avoid problems.

The iridologist will help you along this investigation by choosing to give you the advice best suited to your person and not just to the illness or symptom you present.

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