The psychosomatic view of colitis

When we talk about colitis, we are dealing with viscera, with the center of our organism, with a dark, private, deep area. A difficult subject that specularly concerns the personality, the second brain, the more convoluted mind, in a physical, physiological and psychological sense .

The intestine: our second brain

We think of the shape of our brain and that of the intestine: loops, convolutions, adhesions, nerve endings.

The intestine possesses an intrinsic nervous system and although in the collective imagination we identify the heart as central to feelings, in our viscera very powerful emotional exchanges take place, in a completely autonomous manner with respect to the brain.

It is enough to think about the fact that a large part of serotonin , the wellness neurotransmitter, is produced in the intestinal environment.

We can say that "happiness is belly" without risking a gamble! When serotonin levels are low, or when we are experiencing a condition or simply an anxiety-provoking situation, which causes us stress, our stomach responds with symptoms like nausea, abdominal pain, cramps, sudden diarrheal discharges .

And attention our second brain has a very careful memory : just a known input, even an unconscious one, is enough to trigger physical reactions.

Colitis: inflammation of the brain

It often happens that our intestines react to what the mind does not accept, to emotions held back or to those it would like to get rid of quickly because they pollute the mind and destabilize it.

In this swing of tensions and relaxation our intestines move, trying to modulate imbalances of a "high" nature in "low nature instincts" .

The intestinal function is closely related to the digestive one and often if a thought or an emotion are not "digested", they become a topic to be eliminated quickly, to get rid of.

Some thoughts then become "feces", which cannot be tolerated, accepted, synthesized and must be expelled quickly, to return to feeling emotionally clean.

Those suffering from psychosomatic colitis often respond to some symptomatic personality traits .

> Maniacs for cleaning;

> moral rigidity;

> difficult relationships with sexuality and its aspects;

> introverted, inhibited personality;

> inability to adapt.

Psychosomatic colitis: an outlet valve

Let us always remember that treating the symptom does not eliminate the cause, it can silence it, but often silence is the worst evil, because it is like a fire that is hatched under the embers and then explodes explosively or worse implosively!

Problems and subsequently disorders of an emotional, mental, psychological nature, or any other attribute we want to associate with them, if not addressed, recognized and treated can lead to very dangerous reactions that go to affect the chemical-hormonal balance of our nervous system.

In the case of psychosomatic colitis, but also of all the pathologies that have deep roots, we apply a holistic approach that takes care of the individual as a whole.

The naturopath can contribute to the path of awareness, in synergy with the figure of the doctor, helping those suffering from this type of pathology to seek the solution of the disorder and not limiting to quell its manifestation.

Colitis should be addressed with a gastroenterologist, a proctologist, a nutritionist, a psychologist, possibly with a neurologist, with a naturopath because often to reach the goal one must cross integrated paths, even with natural remedies.

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