Baby blues and postpartum depression: how to deal with natural remedies

For almost all women the birth of their child is one of the most exciting moments of their lives, but also the most stressful and " unknown ". After giving birth, more than one in two women experiences melancholy, sadness and depression at various levels of severity. We can divide these symptoms into two different pathologies in shape and severity:

  • Baby Blues
  • postpartum depression

Let us go on to describe them in particular considering the symptoms, causes and possible remedies.

Baby blues: symptoms and causes

The Baby Blues or Maternity Blues has been defined, by the pediatrician-psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott , as "a state of melancholy that manifests itself in the days following childbirth, characterized by an internal discomfort of the generally transitory mother . "

Usually baby-blues occurs between the third and sixth day after birth, days during which the women are easily irritated, easily cry and can experience performance anxiety. Furthermore, if we consider mothers at the first birth, we can find difficulties in breastfeeding and in the basic management of the newborn.

In this situation, the mothers take care of the newborn anyway, they look after it while feeling a sense of fear and, after a few weeks, the symptom usually disappears spontaneously.

The causes

During pregnancy, and immediately after childbirth, the woman is subject to sudden imbalances in hormone levels, estrogen and progesterone collapse and, this concatenation of physical events, cause numerous psycho-physical disorders. The birth itself is a real stress coming to generate enormous fatigue.

How to intervene

Considering that Baby Blues is a mild transient disorder, precise drug therapy is not required but the support and support of the mother, partner and those close to her is recommended.

The disorder will disappear in a natural way, just as it presented itself by taking up the normal daily routine in which the newborn is now included. Facing childbirth in a natural and serene way, carefully choosing the structure and the staff to rely on, certainly creates less anxiety and stress in the future mother.

The ideal would be to experience birth not as a disease but as a natural process that, leading to the endogenous production of endorphins, prolactin and oxytocin, hormones with antidepressant functions, minimizes the effect of the Baby Blues. Breastfeeding hormones are also important, so it is advised to continue breastfeeding. all the fears about baby management should be minimized because the mother's role is as simple and natural as possible.

Port partum depression

One in five women, among those who have presented the Baby-Blues syndrome, can develop a real pathology: postpartum depression . It manifests itself with feelings of guilt and hostility towards the newborn, considered too demanding and demanding, loss of self-esteem and energy, difficulty in managing breastfeeding. In addition, depressive symptoms such as: loss of sleep, anxiety and appetite disorders.

The causes

Postpartum depression can be caused by biological, psychological and couple factors. Low levels of serotonin, fall in estrogen and changes in cortisol, prolactin and thyroid hormones combine to create a state of stress in the new mother. As for the emotional aspect, the collapse presents itself, with a higher percentage, in young women, women who have had a difficult and traumatic birth and in women who already had anxiety and personality disorders.

How to intervene

The most utilized therapies in postpartum depression are pharmacological : estrogen and antidepressants combined under medical supervision. Furthermore, psychological support can help to increase and restore self-esteem in the mother.

The family and the partner can contribute to the improvement of the psychological state of the mother trying to implement a support that does not invade too much the intimate relationship between mother and newborn. The mother, for her part, can talk about her discomfort with trusted people and share her experience with mothers who have the same problem.

Natural help

As always, nature provides us with natural help that, based on the seriousness of the problem, can help us completely overcome the pathology or otherwise integrate other types of interventions.

A widely used plant is the Moringa oleifera, a plant native to the tropical and sub-tropical area that, containing over 92 natural nutrients, allows the body to regain a regular psycho-physical balance in a completely natural way.

MORINGA OLEIFERA is a completely natural anti-stress and, by regulating hormone levels and facilitating rest, it is the most suitable natural remedy to recover the psycho-physical balance lost after childbirth. Furthermore, the analyzes carried out on the plant, report that the ability to reduce stress depends on the fact that Moringa contains tryptophan, an amino acid that the body needs to produce serotonin, the famous good mood hormone.

The advice: good nutrition, rich in vitamins and nutrients, and time spent outdoors, always have a great beneficial effect.

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