Abortive herbs

The herbs have been used by women since the beginning of time in an attempt to control their fertility. This knowledge was transmitted from mother to daughter, as well as from midwives and wise women who possessed this knowledge. Starting in the 1300s, those with knowledge of herbs could be accused of being a witch and tortured to death. Over time, those who knew how to use these herbs safely and effectively were murdered or frightened in order to silence them, with a terror that lasted for about 500 years.

Today there is still evidence of this ancient, once common knowledge: the names of plants that can cause an abortion have been preserved orally and in ancient books. But there are still many things we don't know about how to use these herbs. Every day we learn a little more about them, experiencing ancient remedies discovered long ago.

By sharing the experiences of women who share their knowledge, with the knowledge of modern scientists, natural remedies that were once well known can be rediscovered.

Medicinal herbs and essential oils can be extremely concentrated and poisonous. It is important to avoid taking essential oils by mouth.

Most medicinal herbs are taken by infusion or via supplements in capsules, tinctures or infus, so that they can be used safely. Essential oils are highly concentrated, are usually purchased at a store, and are usually sold in a small bottle that allows a drop to drop at a time, and they usually come with a child-proof cap due to the their toxic nature. They are not for HUMAN CONSUMPTION, and many women have died very painfully using small amounts of essential oils internally trying to abort.

It is not worth risking your life to induce spontaneous abortion. Don't make this mistake.

Essential oils are different from oil-based infusions: the latter are made at home by dipping fresh grass in olive oil. These essential oils are generally used externally.

Plants that have abortive effects are powerful herbs and should only be used for short periods of time and only externally. Anyone with liver or kidney problems should not use the vast majority of these herbs. Many of these herbs are toxic, and are not considered safe to use on a regular basis or for long periods of time. They should not be taken on a monthly basis for contraception. Remember, inducing a miscarriage at home is not easy.

Herbs have many effects on the body, and if you have health problems, this may not be a safe path for you.

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