Diarrhea in pregnancy, what to do?

Diarrhea in general can have many causes. Even in pregnancy, therefore, it may be due to several reasons and the hormonal changes in progress certainly do not help.

A mild and non-persistent diarrhea should not cause concern; if, however, the symptom is important and lasting, you should contact your doctor who will be able to assess the situation and provide the best advice for your specific case.

There are some precautions, mainly related to the diet, which can help in case of diarrhea during pregnancy.

Diarrhea in pregnancy, what to eat

First of all, in case of diarrhea it is very important to ensure proper hydration, drinking often, maybe a few sips at a time. In addition to water you can drink small amounts of light lemon tea, chamomile tea, some light homemade lemonade .

Chamomile also helps in cases of intestinal pain, thanks to the antispasmodic qualities, and is one of the few herbs that can be used, always without exaggeration, even during pregnancy.

Some foods that can be useful in case of diarrhea in pregnancy are white rice, simple bread, semolina, grilled white meat, grilled fish, baked or boiled, boiled potatoes and carrots; they could also help some foods rich in lactic ferments, such as natural yoghurt and kefir.

Lactic ferments in pregnancy, how and when to take them

Diarrhea in pregnancy, what to avoid

In case of diarrhea during pregnancy, one should not drink milk, coffee, carbonated drinks and, of course, alcohol ; also pay attention to fruit juices, which could worsen the symptom of diarrhea.

Fries, elaborate seasonings, foods rich in fat, sweets, especially those containing creams, should be avoided; it is also advisable to limit the consumption of those types of fruits and other plant foods that can stimulate the evacuation, for example cherries.

The diet during pregnancy must never be too restrictive, therefore, if you have the feeling that you are not eating enough and / or you feel tired and dehydrated due to diarrhea, ask your doctor for advice on nutrition, avoiding the do it yourself .

Diarrhea in pregnancy, some other advice

In case of diarrhea during pregnancy, do not get tired, ensure proper rest and avoid stressful situations, which could worsen the symptom.

Are there any natural or pharmacological remedies suitable for diarrhea in pregnancy? If the symptom is mild and runs out in two or three days, it is not necessary to use drugs or supplements.

Otherwise, to restore the intestinal bacterial flora it could be useful to take probiotics. There are also several natural and pharmacological remedies suitable for diarrhea, but not all of them are indicated during pregnancy; in many cases, the reason for caution lies in the lack of clinical studies on the effects that that given active ingredient can have on the fetus, therefore it is up to the doctor to evaluate the risk-benefit ratio, case by case.

Avoid using products against diarrhea without first consulting your doctor, and this also applies to natural remedies, which are not risk-free.

If diarrhea is associated with other symptoms such as high fever and / or abdominal pain contact a doctor immediately.

Discover the causes and remedies of other intestinal disorders in pregnancy

To know more:

> Intestine, disorders and natural cures

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