Blend of essential oils for the skin with broken capillaries

The vast blood network that nourishes and runs through the body is made up of large vessels which, as they branch out, become smaller and smaller.

These small vessels are the capillaries, thin and fragile, but just as useful and functional as the large circulatory vessels. The phenomenon of visible or broken capillaries on the skin of the body and face is a phenomenon that can affect men and women transversely, regardless of age.

Usually broken capillaries are present in people who have particularly sensitive skin .

For broken capillaries on arms legs and areas affected by cellulite, the tricks and oils that are normally used to treat these imperfections can be used.

For the capillaries visible on the face, essential oils can be used equally effectively. There are particular mixtures that allow the skin to be nourished, since often visible or broken capillaries are associated with a fragile and thin skin, and at the same time reduce unsightly veins in sight.

Synergistic blend of essential oils for broken capillaries

The base oil will be a nourishing oil, such as avocado, wheat germ, or apricot . But you can also use sweet almond oil, usually suitable for almost all types of mixtures.

The essential oils to be added are:

  • cypress essential oil, 3 drops : cypress oil is a powerful vasoconstrictor, therefore it serves to reduce the volume of capillaries, making them less visible and stimulating the plasticity of the vascular walls;
  • geranium essential oil, 7 drops : geranium oil is a cicatrizant and a tonic, therefore it allows the closure and absorption of the small lesion against the capillary and reactivates the circulation;
  • parsley essential oil, 10 drops : parsley oil has astringent and stimulating properties, therefore it acts in a dual way on the reduction of the number and quantity of capillaries and on microcirculation.

The essential oils are mixed in 100 ml of base oil, it is left to rest, possibly in a cool place, it is also good in the fridge. For the application, remove the oil from the refrigerator and leave it at a temperature of about 18 degrees for half an hour, and then spread a small amount of oil on the affected area of ​​the face.

Massage lightly, without rubbing, remembering that the broken capillaries are a sign of a fragility of these small veins. Once the massage is finished , excess oil is removed with a tissue .

Use warnings

It is always recommended to try a small amount of oil beforehand on a limited body area, such as the inside of the wrist or under the chin or on the neck, to test for possible reactions .

Finally, it is recommended that treatments with essential oils do not last for long periods : they are powerful natural remedies to be used only in cases where they are actually useful.

Use a healing mixture hoping to prevent the symptoms that should cure the lymphatic and circulatory system without bringing any benefit.

The causes of broken capillaries

The causes of broken capillaries can be of pathological origin (venous insufficiency, cellulite, hormonal imbalances, etc.): therefore it is necessary, when they occur suddenly and in large concentrations, to consult a doctor .

Normally, however, people in perfect health can suffer from visible capillaries : this is due to the fragility of the skin, to sudden changes in temperature, to psychophysical stress, which determine an enlargement of the small blood vessel and, sometimes, even the rupture of the same .

Also read broken and fragile capillaries on the ankles, how to treat them? >>

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