Stellaria, properties and benefits

Stellaria is a spontaneous herb very common in meadows, fields and vegetable gardens. Let's get to know it better and find out what the properties and benefits of stellaria are.

Properties and benefits of stellaria

The stellaria is rich in vitamins, in particular vitamin C and vitamins of the group B. It also contains minerals such as magnesium, potassium and sodium.

Stellaria is a refreshing, decongestant food and appears to have an anti-inflammatory action both for internal use and for external use.

The mother tincture of stellaria is used to treat rheumatism and joint pain, disorders related to digestion and to promote intestinal transit.

The intake of stellaria in the form of an infusion seems to favor diuresis and the elimination of liquids, leading to a decrease in body weight: it is not correct, however, to say that the stellar favors weight loss, as it does not help to eliminate excess fat. However, it can be useful in fighting water retention.

Externally the stellaria can be used in the form of a cataplasm reducing the leaves to a pulp with a mortar. For external use it is traditionally used in skin irritations, itching and psoriasis.

Also read 5 wild herbs to collect and cook >>

Stellaria, characteristics of the plant

Stellaria is an annual, spontaneous herb that grows in meadows, fields, cultivated land and vegetable gardens.

This plant likes the humidity and the fresh places, therefore it preferably grows in shadow creating grassy carpets of a bright light green.

The stellar leaves are available throughout the year as they resist even the harsh winter temperatures.

In spring the stellaria blooms with small and white flowers formed by five petals that form a five-pointed star, from which the name derives.

Before flowering, this spontaneous plant can be harvested by choosing places far from traffic and as uncontaminated as possible, where the vegetation is not continuously trampled.

Of the stellaria , cimette and leaves are collected which can be eaten raw or lightly scalded.

Given the content in vitamin C it is preferable to consume this herb in salad, alone or together with other herbs or to prepare fresh juices to drink immediately.

If you decide to cook the stellaria, simply boil it in water for a couple of minutes. The cooking water can be drunk as a refreshing infusion and useful for eliminating excess liquids.

Read also The edible wild herbs >>

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