Gastroesophageal reflux can make life very ... bitter in many ways.
Among the consequences of reflux there is the inflammation of the esophagus, that is the tract of the digestive system that food travels between the throat and the stomach. In fact, the esophageal mucosa is suitable for the transit of food that must still be digested and absolutely "unprepared" for the acidity of the liquids coming from the stomach, as in the case of reflux. If the phenomenon persists and becomes chronic, in the long run the mucous membranes become inflamed in contact with the acidic liquid, to the point of causing a real pathology or esophagitis, which manifests itself with symptoms such as burning at the level of the stomach or behind the sternum or non-specific symptoms, such as hoarseness or chronic cough.
Preventing reflux esophagitis includes a series of measures aimed at reducing reflux. Which?
Reflux esophagitis: prevention with food
To prevent reflux esophagitis, it will be good to maintain an adequate diet, free of foods that are difficult to digest or that increase gastric secretion.
In detail, in the case of reflux esophagitis, these are the foods to be eliminated :
> All fried foods ;
> Prepared dishes (in the preparation of which several fats of various origins are used);
> Sauces ragù and sauces prepared with abundant quantities of oil, margarine, butter, lard;
> Desserts with creams and cream ;
> All very cooked meats, in all forms: stews, goulash, boiled;
> All the visible fat present on meat and sliced meat;
> All spirits .
In the case of acute esophagitis caused or not by reflux, it will also be good to limit the consumption of foods that can aggravate the inflammation of the esophageal mucosa, such as:
> Chocolate ;
> Ag rumi and juices ;
> P raw tomato and in juice;
> C ipolla and garlic ;
> A r omi and spices such as chilli, pepper, mint;
> M olluschi and crustaceans (maximum once a week);
> Coffee, even if decaffeinated, and tea;
> B carbonated drinks;
> V ino will be consumed at most as 2 glasses a day for males, 1 for females;
Having removed all that can harm your esophagitis, here is the food to be preferred to prevent reflux and the consequent esophagitis:
> Water, preferably between meals, not less than 1.5 liters per day;
> Whole grains;
> Fresh and seasonal fruit and vegetables;
> Skimmed or partially skimmed milk or yogurt, low-fat and light cheeses;
> White meat chicken, turkey, rabbit;
> Low fat fish such as: sea bass, sole, sea bream, cod;
> Eggs not fried;
> Extra-virgin olive oil added raw.
Reflux esophagitis: prevention with good habits
Nutrition alone may not be enough to prevent gastroesophageal reflux esophagitis .
In fact, lifestyle changes and the acquisition of some "virtuous behaviors" such as:
To avoid:
> large meals, prefer small and frequent meals;
> food and drinks that are too hot or too cold;
> excess fluid during meals, to avoid diluting gastric juices by slowing down digestion.
> Drink at least 1.5 liters of water, sipping slowly throughout the day. Saliva and liquids protect the esophageal mosses from gastric juices
> Stop smoking because, in addition to other damage, a large amount of air is introduced which can promote reflux
> Eat slowly, calmly chew the morsels of food. Eating hastily by swallowing whole mouthfuls promotes reflux as it lengthens the time the food stays in the stomach
> Do not wear tight belts or clothes at the waist because they increase the pressure on the abdomen, facilitating reflux.
> No to the nap! Avoid lying down immediately after meals to avoid reflux. After eating, you should wait at least two or three hours before going to bed. A walk can be much more useful for digesting
> No sport after lunch . Avoid exercising on a full stomach, especially exercises that engage the abdominal muscles.
> Sleep with a pillow under your back. Raising the front of the bed by 10-15 cm helps keep the esophagus upright even when lying down and prevents the ascent of acid material from the stomach. Avoid using stacks of pillows because they force you into a position that increases the pressure on your abdomen.
> Lose weight. Gradually reduce weight and abdominal circumference, through a balanced low-calorie diet and regular exercise.
> No chewing gum. The habit of chewing gum directly increases the amount of air in the gastric sac. The presence of these gases increases the pressure inside the stomach promoting reflux
> Beware of drugs that may be harmful to the esophageal mucosa such as NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen), some sedatives and tranquilizers etc. It is advisable in any case to communicate their use to your doctor, in order to check their compatibility with the disease and find, if necessary, less invasive alternatives
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