Vegetable oils: a beauty juice

Appreciated for thousands of years for their emollient and moisturizing properties, vegetable oils are the basic ingredients of natural cosmetics and for this reason they are the precursors of modern dermocosmetics. Famous for their healing properties, they have played an important role in many ancient cultures, both as effective natural therapeutic remedies and as cosmetic treatments; they are a wonderfully concentrated source of the nutritional elements necessary for life, including vitamins, minerals, and above all a particular group of substances, the so-called " essential fatty acids ".

Vegetable oils: what they are

Vegetable oils are natural products that are obtained from the "cold pressing" of oilseeds, such as almond or fruit pulp, such as olive oil. Some have properties that are beneficial to beauty, others are more suitable for internal use for the well-being and health of the organism. Many of these oils can improve the symptoms of various debilitating disorders, and all without distinction possess the ability to stimulate our vitality and give us a toned, hydrated and radiant skin.

A diet that is scarce may cause aesthetic problems (dry and flaky skin, weak nails and dull hair) up to cholesterol, atherosclerosis hypertension. Our eating habits have changed a lot in these years and the processing processes to which modern foods are subjected, deteriorate many of the nutrients contained in vegetable oils, impoverish food and deprive us of their precious nutrients.

Vegetable oils: properties and uses

Internal use

If used as natural supplements, they provide substantial doses of lecithin, a phospholipid which is very important for many physiological functions (our brain is particularly rich in it). This substance is a source of good cholesterol and performs a cleaning action on the circulatory system, because it eliminates excess cholesterol and triglycerides; and its humectant property, that is, of retaining and releasing water, is useful in both internal and external use.

In addition, the essential fatty acids contained in vegetable oils strengthen the delicate membranes that surround the skin cells, prolonging their physiological functioning and delaying the signs of age. A deficiency of these substances can contribute to many disorders associated with modern life, such as stress and heart disease. Their antioxidant action helps the tissues resist attacks by free radicals, compounds that are formed by oxidation, when a cell produces energy, able to disorganize the cells themselves and cause tumors.

Vegetable oils are also a good source of fat-soluble vitamins, meaning that they dissolve in fats, such as vit. A, vit. D, and the vit. And, which the skin needs to maintain tone and elasticity. These elements are essential for every living cell to function properly: Furthermore, these oils, taken as food supplements, allow us to treat our skin from within, and also to delay the appearance of the signs of age .

External use

The advantages of vegetable oils are not limited only to the diet. Today, scientists are discovering their secrets, and have noticed that some significantly improve the condition of the skin, strengthen the nails and give the hair a natural shine. The nourishing action combined with the emollient property elasticizes the skin, preventing wrinkles and stretch marks and gives tone and vigor to our hair. They are also useful for reducing skin redness due to their soothing and calming properties against irritated or inflamed tissues.

For this reason they are used in natural cosmetics, in body cleaning products; and they cannot be missing as precious ingredients in the preparation of homemade creams.

They are generally used as lubricants, to facilitate the sliding of the hands, in the massage with essential oils; and in all techniques, practiced to promote well-being and body health, which provide direct action on the skin.

In fact, in aromatherapy pure oils, completely vegetable, are used as " vectors ", that is they convey essential oils, in their external use. This carrier action also allows to extract and preserve all the fat-soluble substances of the plants. For this reason they are used as a solvent, in the preparations called "oleolites".

Why prefer vegetable oils

Their beneficial effects are linked to the specific characteristics of the derived plant, and to the set of active ingredients (phytocomplex) that each of them contains, but all are absolutely fundamental to improve our health and our quality of life.

The advantages that derive from the addition of these " vital oils " to our diet and our beauty program, are such and so many that we really guarantee a healthier life. For this reason, today, many stop buying products with potentially toxic preservatives or synthetic derivatives, proving to prefer fashion and the clamor of advertising, the assurance of not damaging their bodies.

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