A natural weapon against stress: Bach Flowers

Bach Flowers - from the name of the English physician Edward Bach (1886-1936), who described them - are 38 vibrational remedies that are a valid aid to rebalance the spiritual sphere, thus resolving any psychosomatic disorders. Dr. E. Bach realized that flowers are carriers of information in the form of vibrational energy, able to restore our altered vibratory frequencies to harmony.

Intuitively, Edward Bach used sunlight as a catalyst to make the flower energy pass to a liquid that the patient had to take.

This insight has been confirmed by recent discoveries on the memory of water and biophotonic energy.

Mind and body interact through a network of biochemical and electromagnetic signals, biophotons (particles of light that carry information) able to manage information entering and leaving the body.

The standard dosage of these natural remedies is 4 sublingual drops 4 times a day for at least a month.

Multiple essences can be used at the same time to obtain a personal mixture.

Bach Flower Therapy can be useful to combat stress.

What is stress?

Stress is a very generic term, to which each person attributes different meanings. The unsustainable rhythms of life and the perennial struggle against time to carry out their activities, in fact, lead to a progressive overload of the nervous system, which can manifest itself with different mental discomforts and with various types of physical disorders. According to experts, however, this situation can fundamentally give rise to four types of very specific moods: agitation and anxiety; fear; anger; depression and lack of responsiveness. In some individuals, one of these states of mind is prevalent, but often they overlap and associate.

The first step to combat stress is to recognize which type it is. In fact, based on the emotions it triggers, the treatments change. Only by identifying the feelings at the origin of everything, are the associated physical and psychological problems resolved and the well-being and balance of the person can be restored. It is of little use, instead, to intervene on the physical symptoms: in doing so, at the limit, a temporary improvement of the situation can be obtained, but certainly the basic malaise is not resolved.

The emotions associated with stress do not only act psychologically. In many cases, the person somatizes them, even showing physical problems. For example, agitation can interfere with breathing, causing the sensation of "shortness of breath" and lack of air, or it can lead to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, while fear can give rise to muscular tension at the level of shoulders and neck.

Those who experience anger, on the other hand, can grind their teeth to the point of having soreness in the jaw and neck and headache. Another typical disorder is the tension of the muscles of the forearm, unconsciously tense with the closed fist, from which the epicondylitis, or the inflammation of the tendons of the elbow, derives.

Bach flowers for stress caused by apathy

1. In some cases, stress drains the person of all energy and vitality. Stressors who are apathetic have the impression that everything gets out of hand and consequently they become sad, depressed, losing the desire to do and the interest in every aspect of the outside world.

To combat apathy, we can use:

- GENTIAN (autumnal gentianella, Gentiana amarella ), which is indicated in case of temporary depressions due to death or to romantic problems;

- CLEMATIS (Vitalba, Clematis vitalba ), which fights indifference to the present, the tendency to daydream, fugues in fantasy and in unreal worlds;

- GORSE (Ginestrone, Ulex europaeus ), which is useful against total despair and lack of hope;

- OLIVES (Olive, Olea europaea ), which helps people who feel exhausted and exhausted from stress and suffer from both physical and mental exhaustion.

Bach flowers for stress caused by agitation

2. If in some cases stress causes apathy and depression, in others it has the opposite effect: some particularly stressed people become hyperactive, agitated and anxious. They are unable to live in a relaxed manner and tingle at any small incident.

To calm the agitation, you can use:

- WILD OAT (Wild Oats, Bromus ramosus ), in case of dissatisfaction with one's life and uncertainty about the path to follow;

- AGRIMONY (Agrimonia, Agrimonia eupatoria ), which is the anxiolytic par excellence: it fights inner unrest and reduces agitation;

- WHITE CHESTNUT (White Horse Chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum ), the most suitable remedy for those suffering from constant worries.

Bach flowers for stress caused by anger

3. Those who are forced to follow intense rhythms can react by decreasing their tolerance and tolerance threshold, becoming an easy prey to anger and nervous spurts. Anger is almost always associated with anxiety, so the doctor can combine the remedies already mentioned for agitation.

To keep anger in check, the flowers shown are:

- VINE (Vite, Vitis vinifera ), to combat anger linked to exaggerated ambition, the desire for domination and power;

- HOLL Y (Holly, Ilex aquifolium ), for those who get irritated and get annoyed quickly, experiencing moments in which they would like to destroy everything;

- IMPATIENS (Non-touch me, Impatiens glandulifera ), for impatient people, who get angry easily and for nothing, who are always tense and angry;

- BEECH (Beech, Fagus sylvatica ), if anger is combined with intolerance and excessive critical sense;

- CHICORY (Wild chicory, Cichorium intybus ), if, on the other hand, depends on possessiveness, intrusiveness, the tendency to manipulate others.

Bach flowers for stress caused by fear

4. In some people, stress is associated with a feeling of fear and anguish. The person, in fact, is no longer able to withstand the rhythms to which he is subjected and ends up feeling fear for himself and for others and concern for everything that happens to him, even for the most banal events.

To overcome fear, the single most indicated flowers are:

- ASPEN (Aspen, Populus tremula ), which removes unexplained anxieties, vague fears, panic and unfounded negative presentiments: it is the remedy for vague and unknown fears for which there is no explanation;

- MIMULUS ( Mimolo giallo, Mimulus guttatus ), which fights the daily fear of concrete things (accidents, misfortune, loneliness, poverty, pain) that paralyzes or makes people act hastily;

- ROCK ROSE (Eliantemo, Helianthemum nummularium ), which is indicated when fear turns into terror, panic. It gives courage to face challenging events;

- RED CHESTNUT (Red Horse Chestnut, Aesculus carnea ), which is useful for those who are anxious about others, who project their fears on those around them, fearing for their health;

- CHERRY PLUM (Myrobalan / Asian plum, Prunus cerasifera ), which keeps the fear of losing control of one's actions at bay and hurting oneself and others.

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