Chai tea, how to prepare it

Chai tea is a drink that dates back to around 5, 000 years ago. Contains black tea and a set of spices.

Thanks to this mix it has numerous beneficial qualities :

> S tingling, rebalancing and digestive ;

> It promotes weight loss as it helps to better metabolize fats, preventing their storage;

> It has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, in particular it helps to counteract menstrual pain and has beneficial effects on the various symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

> It has antioxidant qualities and therefore favors the fight against free radicals, responsible for cellular aging.

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Kusamono, from Japan the bonsai of weeds

Kusamono, from Japan the bonsai of weeds

The Kusamono, a bonsai made of grass Kusamono literally means a "thing of grass", a term often associated with the more famous Bonsai and Ikebana and with the lesser known Shitakusa and Kokedama, which very often together constitute the elements of company in a Tokonoma , for the Japanese the special place of the house or niche where flower and painting decorations are usually placed, also destined for the tea ceremony and the reception of guests...

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Ear cleaning, 3 comparison methods and practical tips

Ear cleaning, 3 comparison methods and practical tips

The ears, when they are healthy, do not need large cleaning operations . They keep themselves clean , in a natural way, thanks to the action of small hairs that favor the transport of excess dirt outside the ear. Why do the ears get dirty? In the skin that covers the auditory canal there are glands that produce cerum and, a natural substance that helps the ear to defend itself from infections and from the aggressions of external agents ...