Hands are our business card. The hands cannot lie: on them you can read the passing years, the health condition, and the lifestyle.
Nails are an important part of the hands : just as a too sensitive or too thick skin can make the use of one's hands annoying, even the nails, if they are not in good health, affect our daily gestures.
As well as the nails of the hands, even those of the feet have great importance, and perhaps need more care precisely because the feet are often mistreated, forced into shoes, and subject to few cares.
The nails can be lacquered and treated in various ways: there are real treatments and "tricks" for nails, to make them look more beautiful and healthier.
Often, however, we do not take care of the products we are going to use on the nails, mistakenly thinking that they cannot damage our health . Instead, like any other part of our body, even fingernails can absorb unhealthy chemicals through the skin and cuticles they are surrounded of, which affect not only the direct health of hands and feet, but also the whole body.
Taking care of your nails in a natural and respectful way is possible, without spending a fortune on money, and comfortably at home, in complete safety of the authenticity of the products you are using.
The essential oils are an optimal treatment for the nails, both those of the hands and those of the feet, and serve to reinforce them, make them grow faster, avoid thickening and fragility, and treat any fungal infections and infections that affect them.
Essential oils for nail care
> Lemon essential oil: lemon essential oil is a tonic and a strong purifier;
> Rosemary essential oil: rosemary essential oil has the ability to be very versatile in problems related to sport (tearing, fatigue, distortion) and aesthetics;
> Eucalyptus essential oil: the essential oil of eucalyptus has antiseptic properties, very precious for the hands, perennially in contact with the world;
> Tea tree essential oil : like eucalyptus, tea tree essential oil has antiseptic and antiviral properties and is excellent against fungal infections.
The essential oils are used diluted in base oil, to the extent of a maximum of ten drops per 10 ml of base oil. They are not used pure. The nails are massaged with a little oil and the excess part of the oil is removed with a tissue or absorbent paper.
Blend of oils to make nails stronger :
> 10 ml of base oil, almond or, if you have particularly dry hands and nails, jojoba oil;
> 6 drops of essential lemon oil;
> 2 drops of rosemary essential oil;
The mixture is perpetuated by mixing the various oils, and is then used by pouring a drop onto a cotton pad ii massaging the nails.
If it is not annoying, you can leave it on all night without removing the excess and non-arming oil with a tissue, otherwise you can use absorbent paper to remove the excess mixture.
Essential oil for cuticles :
> 10 ml of jojoba essential oil;
> 3 drops of eucalyptus oil.
As in the previous case, it is massaged on the nails and cuticles until completely absorbed.
Essential oils for nail infections :
> 30 ml of base oil, preferably almond or apricot;
> 4 drops of essential eucalyptus oil;
> 8 drops of tea tree essential oil.
Both eucalyptus and tea tree have antiseptic and antiviral properties, and tea tree is the oil with greater antifungal properties.