Headache and cycle nausea: causes and remedies

Premenstrual syndrome, cycle disorders, often we women are at the mercy of a hormonal modification that happens monthly and that destabilizes us a little.

We know how to recognize the symptoms and live with it more or less harmoniously, because they accompany us for most of our lives.

But let's see in a simple way what happens chemically in our body and what causes headaches, nausea and irritability.

The menstrual cycle: a renewal

I wanted to name this paragraph because it sums up exactly the meaning of the menstrual cycle: the woman is in continuous transformation and the feminine month is marked by the cycle of the waters; water is in fact our ancestral movement, guided by the cycle of the phases of the moon, which is completed every 28 days ! Not by chance among the old popular sayings there is also that of " having the moon " to indicate a sudden change of mood without apparent motivation.

But what happens in the days immediately before and during the menstrual cycle? A hormonal imbalance occurs . On the one hand the level of estrogens drops and on the other the level of progesterone and prolactin rises, preparatory hormones for potential pregnancies.

Progesterone should induce a relaxing effect, but when it does not increase sufficiently, and during the cycle it often happens, triggers emotional tensions, generates stress, and causes potential headaches .

The increase in prolactin in turn causes breast tenderness and muscle contraction in the upper fasciae of the back, in the scapular and cervical area in particular. Also the sense of nausea is given by the hormonal unbalance, because in this phase of the cycle the body behaves as if in the process of a potential pregnancy.

Helmet-ache up to the eyes is typical of this condition and cervical pain often brings with it a sense of nausea. Our body also prepares to expel the flaked endometrial tissue and the unfertilized egg-cell and this cleaning is also performed with uterine contractions.

The tightening of the uterine smooth muscle involves other districts including the cervical and facial muscles, with the consequent onset of pains such as migraine .

Women's health also passes through the menstrual cycle, that's why

Natural remedies for headaches and nausea

We have at our disposal some natural remedies that can help us to deal more serenely with the menstrual cycle, alleviating the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and the onset of migraines and nausea .


    Magnesium is a remedy with innumerable properties, which in this case plays a spasmolytic activity, going to sedate muscle contractions, therefore useful for abdominal cramps and muscle-tension headache. It is also effective as an anti-inflammatory when there is the release of prostaglandins during the menstrual cycle that trigger a physiological inflammatory process that leads to a condition of general malaise.


    The Agnocasto is a natural remedy useful in case of irritability, difficulty in resting and sleeping, headache and breast enlargement. Acts directly on the pituitary gland, stimulating the production of progestin hormones, reducing prolactin. Although it may have some side effects the agnocasto is able to sedate lower abdominal pains, dizziness, and nausea related to the cycle

    Vitamin B6

    Vitamin B6 globally alleviates the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Efficacy has been attributed to the role of cofactor played by vitamin B6 in the synthesis of neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, whose deficiency could be a cause of malaise during the cycle. Vitamin B6 also promotes the absorption of magnesium and decreases its renal loss.

    Borage and movement are also excellent remedies during the menstrual cycle

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