Peanut butter, properties and how to use it

Peanuts: nutritional properties

Peanuts are the seeds of the arachis hypogaea plant, native to South America. Commonly included in the nut category, peanuts actually belong to legumes .

The appearance of the seeds is what we know: dry and wrinkled pods in the shape of an 8, with the bean-shaped “american peanut” inside, covered with a rosacea skin.

Peanuts are small seeds with particular nutritional properties: rich in vegetable proteins, like all legumes, they have a high content of mono and poly unsaturated fats, ie good fats, oleic acid and linoleic acid. They contain B vitamins, in particular B12, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6, and vitamin E.

The minerals contained in peanuts are, for the same weight, manganese, magnesium and iron. Finally, peanuts contain folate and some amino acids.

Peanuts are a very caloric food, but devoid of cholesterol, and energizing, useful as a tonic after prolonged efforts.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is obtained from shelled and washed peanut seeds, roasted at high temperatures and ground until a thick and oily paste is obtained.

Like other butters obtained from vegetable seeds, the dense part of peanut butter, made up of fibers, tends to separate from the oily part . This particular aspect is a guarantee of the fact that emulsifiers or oils of other origins have not been added to peanut butter: separation is a natural consequence of peanut seed grinding.

The peanut butter has some benefits : highly energizing it allows to integrate vitamins and amino acids in the vegetarian and, above all, vegan diet.

It is a natural, naturally caloric and cholesterol-free tonic. It contributes to the balance of HDL / LDL cholesterol (good / bad cholesterol) and therefore to the good health of the cardiovascular system.

The folate content makes peanut butter a natural antioxidant : a moderate use of peanut butter can counteract cellular aging.

Homemade peanut butter

It is possible to produce peanut butter at home, using a blender, possibly in pulses and with a glass container, and whole peanuts.

Peanuts are peeled and the skin is removed, and they are toasted in the oven at 160-180 degrees for 10 minutes: toasting enhances flavor, eliminates moisture and allows peanuts to "exude" the oily part better.

After toasting they are allowed to cool completely for about an hour. They are then inserted into the blender and blended until a thick paste is obtained.

To help peanuts chop better, you can add a tablespoon of cold-pressed peanut oil or cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil. Once the mixture is blended, transfer the mixture to a glass jar, close it and keep it in the fridge.

Peanut butter use

Peanut butter can be used instead of butter for both cooking and raw . It is very useful in high- calorie breakfasts and snacks, and as a base for desserts.

The excessive use is not recommended because, in any case, it is a very caloric food and therefore fat and slow digestion if the digestive system already had some difficulties. Not recommended for those with glycemic problems .

Pay attention to the ingredients of the peanut butter on the market: it is often added with sugars or other oils, including low quality and low quality oils.

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