Purification and detoxification of the body

To purify and detoxify the body means to eliminate toxins, that is all those substances that are harmful to our body that derive from food or that are produced in digestive processes. Many think that it is necessary to purify the body only when serious disorders occur. In reality, maintaining a healthy and detoxified body is of vital importance precisely to avoid the accumulation of toxins that inevitably lead to the onset of diseases.

Everything works well as long as the amount of toxins introduced is equal to the amount expelled. When toxins introduced even with an inadequate, incorrect or excessive diet become greater than those expelled, these substances deposit in the tissues and release free radicals that lead to an oxidative stress. This condition is certainly the most dangerous for our body.

It is possible to quantify the state of intoxication of our body through the test of determination of free radicals in the blood. It is therefore advisable to maintain the right diet by changing our daily habits.

All this will result in a general improvement, internal and external; the intestinal peristalsis will improve and there will be a lowering of the oxidative stress index of the decrease of free radicals, the elimination of excess liquids etc .. with a relative decrease in body weight and a decrease in waist circumference and therefore in size.

The organism will be strengthened because it will no longer be overloaded with the task of expelling toxins in excess and will be more reactive towards pathologies.

At the beginning we will therefore opt for a detoxifying, slimming and low-calorie treatment to improve the functioning of the organism to maintain the results obtained.

So we can say that eating to live and detoxify means staying healthy. Slowly changing our diet is necessary to feel lighter, stronger and happier.

How to start to purify and detoxify?

It is important to consider the detoxification process as an opportunity to get to know each other, to become aware of the fact that it concerns both the body and the mind.

On a physical level to detoxify one must begin by avoiding all that the organism does not require or can not use for its sustenance and its state of health.

Detoxification must include: drinking at least 1 l daily. of water with possibly low fixed residue.

But what does the term "detox" mean?

What remedies to use?

Surely this is the right time to detoxify and to purify our body from waste and toxins it is good to help our main kidney-intestine- liver excretory organs.

We will surely use the power making a few days of centrifugation for example:

> In the morning: centrifuge with 1 apple, 2 carrots and ½ lemon

> At lunch: centrifuge with 1 apple, 2 carrots ½ lemon, ½ fennel and 1 stalk of celery

> In the afternoon: spin with 1 apple, 2 carrots and ½ lemon.

If we do not particularly like centrifuged we can opt for a few days based on seasonal organic fruit (especially apples) and organic and seasonal vegetables.

If we have really exaggerated in the last period we can also think of doing a day of fasting that helps our organs tired from digestion to recover precious time to do other types of jobs.

Along with nutrition, purifying herbal teas can be introduced based on ginger, anise, licorice, fennel, burdock, artichoke, dandelion, artichoke and rosemary, etc.

Or use herbal remedies for liver drainage and rebalancing of intestinal bacterial flora such as NAC and vit.C, specific probiotics for both intestinal cleansing and the restoration of bacterial flora.

Treating intestinal cleansing with the use of the enema that helps "from the bottom" the elimination of faecal residues and therefore of waste, this especially for people who suffer from constipation and therefore tend to retain many more toxins and waste.

We can also help our kidneys and the urogenital system, if there are no problems, even only with the classic glass of water and lemon or with the help of plants such as birch, pilosella, piscidia, ononide, horsetail.

Detoxification diet, how does it work?

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