Vegetarians and hair care

I'm veg: and the hair?

One of the biggest dilemmas for those who decide to switch to a vegetarian diet is that of change, not just inside but also outside, of one's body: what will happen to my weight, my skin and my hair? Taking a vegetarian diet doesn't just mean eating meat and fish. If you follow the path of vegetarianism, it is necessary from the outset to put into practice all those little daily tricks that make it possible to have a correct intake and assimilation of nutrients. This factor is very important, as certain deficiencies can cause imbalances in the body, of greater or lesser magnitude. The watchword is to vary !

Hair, including vitamins, proteins and omega-3

Skin, hair and nails can therefore be affected. So here is what is important to take daily on a vegetarian diet to keep their well-being under control. First of all proteins, vitamins, minerals are essential. Among the most important vitamins for hair is biotin or vitamin H. Vitamin H makes healthy hair grow, prevents baldness and graying. It is a vitamin that can be obtained from food but is also synthesized in the intestine. Vitamin H is found in brewer's yeast, in vegetables and vegetables, in chocolate, in milk and cheese, in eggs, in whole wheat flour, apples, oranges and rice.

Group B vitamins are very important: to have healthy and strong hair, it is a good idea to fill up on breakfast cereals and enrich the yogurt with wheat germ . Carrots are rich in vitamin A, ideal for keeping the scalp healthy, as well as dandelion, garlic, spirulina and royal jelly or pollen . Many dark green vegetables like spinach, beets and broccoli are high in vitamin A and C, which are necessary for the production and regulation of sebum, an essential substance for good hair growth.

Even proteins, zinc and iron must be constantly included in the vegetarian diet, which is why it is very important to take food such as millet, fresh cheese, milk, dried fruit yogurt (nuts, cashews, almonds, pecans) for skin and hair health. beans and whole grains . In particular, the beans are not only full of proteins, which support hair growth, but also rich in iron, zinc and biotin, which are absolutely essential.

You can learn more about natural remedies for dry hair

Calcium is equally useful for the process of skin and hair formation, which is why you have to be careful about absorption and assimilation. Milk and dairy products are certainly indicated foods, but they are not the only ones. It must not be forgotten that even oilseeds, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in calcium. Many vegetables contain considerable amounts, such as dried vegetables, dried fruit, especially figs and dates, and tofu . Among the vegetables you should never miss lettuce, green beans, beets and cabbage. The consumption of algae (hijiki and kombu) and soya milk can be a good habit.

Among other essential foods for healthy and strong hair we find flax seeds, walnuts, soya, pumpkin and sesame seeds, rich in omega-3 and phytoestrogens called lignans. Let's not forget eggs, a source of protein, biotin and vitamin B-12, important for maintaining healthy hair.

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