The causes of asthenia in pregnancy
Asthenia is often one of the first symptoms of pregnancy; in fact, it appears, in fact, towards the end of the first month of gestation, which corresponds many times with the period in which the test is performed and it turns out to be pregnant.
The sense of weakness and tiredness typical of pregnancy, which leads the woman to sleep more than usual, is accentuated in the second and third months and is typical of the entire first quarter; it can also continue later, especially when, due to the weight of the belly, the difficulty in digesting, the need to urinate often, even at night, and other typical conditions of pregnancy, it is not possible to rest adequately in the night hours.
Asthenia in pregnancy, although it is a rather common disease, is a subjective condition, that is, there are future mothers who feel it most, others who feel more energetic.
The causes are absolutely physiological . The organism is forced to overwork to adapt to all the ongoing changes and is therefore fatigued. Hormones play an important role in the appearance of asthenia in pregnancy; the increase in progesterone affects the rhythm of sleep, reducing the REM phases, those in which sleep is deeper.
The quality of sleep, therefore, worsens; maybe you sleep more hours, but you rest less and, as a result, you drag a sense of weakness and tiredness all day long.
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How to fight asthenia in pregnancy
Asthma typical of pregnancy is therefore an absolutely physiological phenomenon, this does not prevent, however, to look for some expedient to fight it and feel more vital.
Tips? Here are some:
- Rest as much as possible when you feel the need. One of the best ways to combat fatigue in pregnancy is to support it. By resting as much as possible, you will have more energy to spend on normal daily activities, such as working and taking care of yourself or any other children. Fatigue is a signal that comes from the body; it is an invitation to stop and therefore we must not resist, nor try to fight it by taking exciting substances such as, for example, coffee and tea.
- Follow a diet appropriate for pregnancy. That is, do not overdo it with food and prefer foods rich in vitamins and minerals . In the evening, consume a light and easily digestible meal that favors a night's rest.
- Take supplements. Let us first make a premise: supplements, during pregnancy, should be taken only after consulting a doctor ; DIY is not a good idea. Often, the gynecologist during the nine months of gestation recommends specific supplements that contain all the micronutrients a woman needs at this delicate moment in her life. During pregnancy, in fact, it can happen that, despite eating the right way, there is still a shortage of some micronutrients, in particular iron, magnesium, vitamin D, calcium, folic acid ... which must be integrated with special products. The lack of some of these elements, in particular iron and magnesium, can contribute to fatigue; therefore, with proper supplementation, you will probably feel even more energetic and less weak.