The 5 most relaxing activities

But why should relaxing be an art ?

And what are the activities that bring this mental and physical state of global relaxation closer? Let's find out together.

The ability to relax

When we say that relaxation is a skill we are absolutely serious. One cannot think of having access to a relaxed state if one always practices exhaustion, fatigue, if one pushes the limits much further and always. The hardest thing to understand is fatigue, which often accumulates and cannot be disposed of.

To worsen the state there may be habits that are thought to be energizing but on the contrary they can impoverish like too many coffees or the mental conviction that a state of fatigue must always be latent. However, the first cause of accumulation is the lack of sleep.

We see through which small activities, even daily, we can regain possession of our personal pleasure, bringing back a state of relaxation that should always be contactable and not perceived as an unapproachable mirage.

Relaxing means being open, even mentally. It means using the energies that are needed to do things and not waste them. It means giving yourself time to refocus your goals and have the readiness to accommodate the unexpected. The obstacles in fact do not face each other well in a state of perpetual fatigue. We need quiet, we need moments that serve further to understand ourselves, to know ourselves better, always better.

The 5 most relaxing activities

We see from which activities, some daily, others to be searched, we can derive great benefit in terms of relaxation:

1. Sew

An activity that many women are approaching or approaching completely. Even in New York there are yoga classes combined with the so-called art of knitting, sewing.

With the thought one remains focused on what one does, on each passage, and it is difficult to give in to other thoughts, perhaps not very happy.

Sewing means making the point with oneself, in some way, it means carrying out something and honoring the gradualness of doing it; it also means preparing oneself for the possibility of creating gifts made with one's own hands and with all one's heart. It means learning techniques, discovering skills and maybe transmitting them.

Even knitting is very useful for relaxing

2. Qi gong and mantra

The qi gong is the Chinese energy gymnastics and is very good for the internal energy circulation of the whole body.

These are slow movements but, in addition to working on the joints, the benefit comes to the internal organs and the mind, which remains free, humble, concentrated, while the feet rest on the ground and the head looks lightly for the sky.

The same is also true for the yogic practices that involve the voice (also in the qi gong the sound is used) and that resonate on certain energy centers as in the case of the recitation of mantras or Vedic chants ; the well-being of the body is also achieved through sound, as we are vibration.

It is not a question of approaching these disciplines in a totalizing and blind way, but of using the effects gradually, progressively. Consider that the mind-body system is immediately receptive when it comes to sound and movement, but relaxation can take some time if it is not sought for a long time.

3. Hot baths

Water relaxes and facilitates the elimination of waste, puts us in contact with the fluids that we have internally and brings us back to a non-rigid state, very similar to that of internal body systems.

You can use bath salts if you have a bathtub, you can use the shower jet either hot or cold, without changing too quickly and drastically, a bit like a real hydrotherapy session on your own.

4. Stroking animals

Stroking animals has extraordinary effects. The therapeutic power of cats, their purring, has already been amply demonstrated at a scientific level, and in the same way dogs and other animals, more and less domestic, are real energy resources.

The proximity to the animals acts on the humoral states, improves the depressive conditions, is good for the heart muscle, and gives benefits in terms of scarring and distension of the tissues of the human body.

5. Walking

The bilateral activity par excellence, that which balances all the hemispheres and improves the mood and restores tranquility on all fronts : walking is a real panacea and often even walking with loose legs, in the absence of back weights , feeling the push coming from the hips, from the back and leaving the ground without closing the shoulders but keeping the chest active serves to remove several joint pains due only to too much time spent sitting.

Try to do it without torturing your mind, try to do it in a relaxing way, as if you were oiling an engine, as if you were dancing with gravity. Great to associate breathing with pace.

Read also

> How to bring relaxation into everyday life

> The 9 most relaxing destinations in the world

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