Stomach swelling: the causes and remedies

Abdominal swelling: one person out of three suffers, more women.

The belly swells like a balloon during the day, so much so that you feel the need to unfasten the button: it is not a sense of fullness after lunch, but a real disorder that does not seem to give peace: the much-feared swelling of stomach .

Going to a specialist to assess the situation is important, but in the mildest forms you can try some natural remedy. Here are a couple of tips.

The causes of stomach swelling

First of all it should be noted that the stomach swelling can be caused by various factors, among which are:

  • Anxiety and daily stress .
  • Bad habits feed r i, which also include speed in eating meals. Furthermore, the ingestion of too many refined sugars, carbonated drinks or too many carbohydrates, causes production of intestinal gases (methane, hydrogen, carbon dioxide) which, instead of being eliminated naturally, accumulate in the abdomen, causing swelling and tension.
  • Sedentary . Even a sedentary lifestyle and lack of daily exercise can lead to disorders of this type. Let's not forget how harmful smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are.
  • Prolonged intake of certain drugs .
  • Gastrointestinal disorders . Among the best known patoligie, cause of swelling and stomach discomfort, there is celiac disease, but also lactose intolerance, peritonitis, gastroenteritis or irritable bowel syndrome.

Air in the intestine? Here are the remedies

Natural remedies for stomach swelling

Very useful can be natural remedies that help to alleviate the sense of swelling, but also nausea and other discomforts that can appear in conjunction with a malfunction of the stomach-intestine system.

Clearly we must listen to ourselves and understand what is wrong, to find the natural remedy that best suits our needs. We find, in order of cause, some useful advice.

Devote time to yourself

    For the swelling caused by anxiety and stress, it is recommended ... Breathe! In a broad sense but not only! Spending some time for yourself in the evening, before dinner or after, is essential.

    Running to go where? In anxiety, for what? Try to regain your balance, get back in the center, to be able to see and take everything with the necessary measures.

    Yoga, meditation, an hour of swimming, a run or a walk in the open air will take you back to where everything else seems to want to leave you .

    In the evening, before going to sleep, treat yourself to a hot and fragrant herbal tea : made from fennel seeds, cumin seeds and ginger, or fennel seeds and chamomile : besides digesting, it will help you expel the hated gases.

    Nutrition against stomach swelling

    As for the diet, the first and important advice concerns the intake of sugars : even try to do a couple of weeks by consuming natural sweeteners instead of refined sugars, such as honey, malt, agave syrup, concentrate of grape or apple juice.

    This is as much in tea or coffee as in preparing desserts, cakes and biscuits. Secondly, try to reduce the intake of carbohydrates, supplementing instead with proteins and seasonal vegetables, always in the correct measure and considering that even potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes increase meteorism. Try to pass the pulses with a vegetable mill or mixer, also chopped nuts, walnuts and almonds .

    Limit the yeasts : instead of the classic bread try to consume unleavened bread or carasau, or make yourself like similar wraps with unrefined flour and without yeast. And if you eat pizza once a week, make sure the dough is double or long rising.

    No categorical to sugary and carbonated drinks, let alone to beer ; no to chewing gum and candy. Yes to fruit, but eaten away from meals .

    Exercise and healthy habits against stomach swelling

    No to sedentariness : so much anxiety and stress, how much physical and psychological laziness harm health. Therefore, it is important to treat yourself at least thirty minutes of exercise a day at any age and with the proper modalities.

    A program of detoxification from bad habits can be associated and accompanied by a morning purification program, which includes, to strengthen the digestive system, regulate the metabolism and help the immune system, a glass of warm mineral water, a teaspoon of lemon juice or organic apple vinegar, a teaspoon of honey consumed on an empty stomach, before leaving with the rest of the day.

    Other indications for stomach swelling

    If the cause is pathological or is linked to certain drugs and swelling is only a symptom, it is necessary to consult a specialist for a certain diagnosis and to decide together on the most appropriate treatment for the specific case.

    For example, following a celiac disease diet if you are a celiac, or preferring rice, soy or oat milk if you are lactose intolerant .

    A known natural remedy, the pharmacist or herbalist of your choice can also offer you vegetable charcoal in tablets, useful because its powder is able to absorb the gases.

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