Cultivating yourself with meditation: some reflection

Our current system of irrepressible and arrogant life has probably given us the richest era in history; in our latitudes, hunger, arbitrary violence, many diseases that were deadly or unknown at all were defeated.

Our technology seems to be magic, allowing us comforts and comforts unthinkable even a few generations ago.

We cannot but consider ourselves fortunate to live the current period, at least from a material point of view. And yet, the president of the state perhaps the most materialistic in the world had well intuited it, worldly goods, "things" and mere economic wealth are not enough to make us an evolved and civilized society: " GDP does not take into account the health of our families, of the quality of their education or the joy of their moments of leisure. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the solidity of family values, the intelligence of our debate or the honesty of our public employees. (...) The GDP does not measure either our wit or our courage, neither our wisdom nor our knowledge, nor our compassion or devotion to our country ", J.Kennedy reflected in a famous speech.

It would therefore be desirable to combine economic and technological progress with the ever-increasing personal evolution, the refinement of feelings, the ennobling of thoughts; in a nutshell, we should dream of being ever deeper and inwardly rich individuals with our hearts turned towards Love.

How does meditation fit into all this?

Meditation as a way to personal improvement

The improvement of the human being passes through innumerable roads that gradually have been beaten in the course of history: the artistic explosions, the peaks of spirituality, the outbursts of social generosity.

In the small and the large, even today we are constantly witnessing these jumps that man performs to elevate his spirit and join something of Superior (whatever the name we want to give him).

Obviously everyone has his story and his attitudes, his conception of the world, his beliefs; in respect of them, we propose the habit of meditation as an instrument that unites them all : believers and atheists, artists and others, every political color, every ideological banner can be welcomed in the warm embrace of this practice that does not exclude, but involves.

We offer it to you so warmly because we would like to instill in you the habit of cultivating your splendid inner garden with constancy and care .

Meditation is also a valuable aid in the process of healing injuries

Breath in meditation and health of body and mind

Taking the time to stop, close your eyes and place yourself solely in observation of your breathing is a spiritual luxury that we believe you should give yourself daily.

This is because giving the possibility to the emotions that are stirring inside to settle and to lose the explosive charge will make us more lucid and welcoming individuals; interrupting the hectic rush of days to breathe with awareness will bring so much health to the physical body and will provide an oxygen spray to the suffocating thoughts; having time to strip off the social, mental and personal superstructures to be simply naked and available will make our inner soil fruitful, ready to welcome seeds and give fruits to themselves and to others.

Such harsh and ruthless contemporaneity requires a society that does not renounce to evolve, to welcome, to embrace. That she is ready to face the difficulties of the present with an active spirit, but in solidarity with resourcefulness and desire to improve through material work, but also interior.

We believe that introducing meditation into one's life is a small step to give impetus and depth to existence, to begin the improvement that we so much desire in the world, starting with ourselves and our limits.

We are convinced, in essence, that he can help us to become better human beings and not prey to ire or toxic thoughts, but humble, welcoming and open towards the Other.

Mental rumination: how to turn off thoughts?

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