Ginger essential oil, the benefits

Ginger essential oil: what it is made from

Ginger is a medicinal plant. The root, which also produces ginger powder, is used in many recipes and as a natural remedy.

The essential oil, obtained from the rhizome of a steam stream, includes all the properties of the whole and fresh or powdered root, amplifying its action: in fact, in the essential oil, the active ingredients are more concentrated. In addition, the essential oil can be used not only internally, but also by inhalation or mixed with other essential and basic oils for massages and ointments.

Ginger essential oil: the benefits

The essential oil of ginger can be used both internally and as an ingredient for massage oils, in the aroma lamp, and diluted in water for baths and foot baths.

The benefits mainly concern the digestive system :

> N ausea : in case of slow digestion and heaviness after meals, when you suffer from bloating in the stomach and meteorism: the essential oil of ginger, used in the measure of two drops in a cup of hot water, helps to digest and relieve stomach work. Especially after large and fat meals, his help is a panacea;

> R colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, cough and phlegm in general: used in the lamp burns essences the pungent scent of ginger allows to disinfect the environment and act on mucous clogged with mucus, relieves symptoms and helps elimination;

> I ntestino : digestive problems do not stop only in the stomach, but often also involve the intestine. Constipation or dysentery, and meteorism itself, indicate that something in digestion is not going as it should. Using the essential oil of ginger, diluted in water or taken through small clay candies, improves the intestinal situation, rebalancing its functions;

> T onic: thus the essential oil of ginger is a concentrated energizer: both inhaled and used for baths and massages it alleviates asthenia, fights depression and physical tiredness, leads to action and makes proposals, moving the passivity of those he feels tired and discouraged;

> Perfect for DIY toothpastes : together with kaolin (white clay) and lemon it naturally cleanses the teeth, stimulates blood circulation in the gums, refreshes and perfumes the breath. It should be avoided in the case of bleeding gums, since the blood that comes out of the gums is, in traditional Chinese medicine, considered the symptom of stomach heat that rises upwards, and ginger could sharpen it;

> Warms the body : it is therefore also used in case of pain in the joints, when there are rheumatic diseases or in general stiffness in the joints, when it is cooled. The essential oil of ginger is a sexual stimulant, especially for men, and for both sexes it encourages social interaction: it warms the body and the heart;

> Drains toxins : it can therefore be used as an ingredient in cellulite and edema massage oils. Combined with a professional massage or even used as a moisturizer after a bath, it combines the emollient and draining effect;

> Y a ng : in traditional Chinese medicine all diseases for which ginger is used (colds, mucus, poor digestion, impotence) are imbalances of a yin nature that have invaded the body. The essential oil of ginger is therefore indicated to people by the constitution yin, or to those who have a diet or a lifestyle with markedly yin characteristics (little movement, little heat, little expression of emotions, shadowiness, apathy, asthenia, depression, thinness excessive, laziness, food rich in dairy products and cold foods, sugars, alcohol), as well as in the colder seasons.


The same contraindications recommended for most essential oils are valid for ginger essential oil:

> Use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended ;

> The use of pure essential oil should be avoided, and being particularly strong the essential oil of ginger should be used in minimum quantities, no more than 2 or 4 drops to be diluted.

Finally, before using it, always together with other base oils, on the skin, we recommend the sensitivity test on a small portion of skin inside the arm.

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