10 simple food choices to lose weight and live better

The world is never completely white or completely black and the great changes in life are never given only by sudden and miraculous events or only by work and constant discipline.

Miracles and discipline can very well coexist and work together, and sometimes it is precisely the periods of humble discipline and self-control that prepare the ground for great changes .

Even the longest journeys begin with one step and here we will propose ten: ten steps to do in the food field, analyzing them to understand the positive consequences.

If your goal, your journey is to lose weight and live better, in a healthier way, without having to go through strict disciplines and without putting yourself in the hands of charlatans who propose miraculous cures able to lose weight through some strange trick Until now unknown, this article may help you.

What to do with white rice?

Easy: avoid it and replace it. As Dr. Franco Berrino often repeats, white rice is useless and totally inadvisable .

Refined rice provides only carbohydrates, no polyphenols, but also sugars that increase the risk of diabetes .

How to replace it? This is also easy to explain: brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, whole millet, whole barley.

Which bread to use?

The bread should be eaten sparingly and well chosen : check the ingredients because often the bran is only added to the 00 flour, which makes our bread nutritionally null : a healthy and nutritious bread must contain bran .

Good options are also the Arabic bread, or the pita, or the chapaty which, due to the small dimensions, help us to contain the quantities.

Which flours prefer?

Farina 00: many dieticians and oncologists call it a poison, recently invented, appeared on the market for about eighty years; it is a flour without any nutritional factor and promotes diabetes and some forms of cancer . Much better is whole wheat flour or other cereal flours such as corn, spelled or oats.

Mash and creams ...

One of the reasons why not enough vegetables are eaten is because they are not appetizing, especially for children .

The purees and vegetable creams come to meet us : instead of a simple mashed potatoes we can add cauliflower, squash, zucchini, beetroot, beans and other legumes, using sweet oils instead of butter and vegetable milks instead of animal .

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Fruit juices or fruity waters?

Fruit juices are very good, but commercial ones have unhealthy sugar percentages. Much better than juices or fruity waters: leave a fruit night in a jug of water and you will feel that pleasure.

Tasty condiments

Now the condiments in the form of cream have become part of our daily lives, starting from mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. The creamy consistency is particularly pleasing to the human being: it can be made at home in a healthy way using avocado, an exceptional fruit, which becomes delicious with a little salt and other spices.

And the fries?

Here we are at one of the worst junk food, accused as one of the first causes of obesity . How to please children?

The potatoes, finely cut, can be lightly sautéed in a pan with a little oil at home, along with other very interesting roots such as carrots, beets and batatas. In the end, what attracts people is only oil and salt.

Tomato sauce?

Tomato sauce for pasta and pizza is not a real problem unless it is exceeded in too complex and oily condiments .

The fact remains that, if we are accustomed, it is much better to rely on chopped fresh tomatoes with spices and raw oil, which in the long term are much healthier .

And the pasta?

Of all the flour-based products, pasta is undoubtedly one of the best, which does not cause problems caused by excess bread or sweets. As mentioned for flour, the ideal is whole wheat pasta, which contains wheat germ and is not just a powder of crushed carbohydrates.

Dairy product

If we still use dairy products, the best is undoubtedly natural, sour yogurt. Excellent for breakfast, to be mixed in salads, with fruit, or even with salt and other spices to prepare seasonings.

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