What is resveratrol
Resveratrol is a substance of plant origin that, in plants, has shown repair and defense activities against the damage of physical agents and fungal infestations. Specifically, it is a non-flavonoid phenol that can be found in the skin of grape berries , which is why we often talk about the relationship between resveratrol and wine . This antioxidant substance is however present above all in the red wines of the hills preserved in cask and rather aged; it is much less so in young reds and whites.
Resveratrol contained in wine has been given different virtues including antitumor action, cardiovascular protection and protection from degenerative neurological diseases.
Resveratrol and the French paradox
When we talk about resveratrol and wine, cardiovascular protection and wine, we cannot fail to mention the so-called French paradox . This term was coined following a scientific study that had observed that, in France, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases (and even of cerebrovascular ones) was lower than that which occurred in other populations with similar eating habits, that is in communities where many foods containing unsaturated fats were consumed. This paradox was attributed to the consumption of wine. However, it must be added that in the same French population, a high consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables and a low incidence of obesity were observed.
The same paradox was also detected in some Italian regions; in fact, wine is one of the cornerstones of the Mediterranean diet, along with olive oil, fruit and vegetables.
A little healthy critical spirit
Undoubtedly, wine contains some substances that are beneficial to the body and, undoubtedly, resveratrol is one of them. When, however, we talk about the benefits of wine it is always necessary to take a look at the other side of the coin, namely that we are talking about an alcoholic beverage and, as such, potentially harmful.
On the one hand we have antioxidants that protect against tumors and diseases of the heart and brain, on the other there is alcohol, a substance toxic to the body which, on the contrary, favors the onset of the same diseases. As usual, therefore, in the average stat virtus and that is, without praising the benefits of resveratrol or demonizing the alcohol content of wine, a good glass during meals is a pleasure that we can certainly grant ourselves and that can also bring some benefit to health, as on the palate; provided, however, that it is just a glass and not more ...