Obviously it is a great joy to become a mother, but upon returning home or after giving birth, one must deal with a very changed pace of life, new responsibilities, fear of not being up to par, all this is often added today. the fact that couples often live far from their families so it is all to be managed within the couple without external support.
What is postpartum depression?
The new mother, has just suffered a psycho-physical stress caused by labor, has an anxiety related to the increase of responsibilities, a fatigue caused by the new wake-sleep rhythm, a natural upheaval of the female hormones (estrogen and progesterone in discharge), and from an insecurity for the management of the new / arrived. Depression affects, not only the mood, but also the thought, the will.
Postpartum depression is divided into 3 categories:
- Baby blues term coined by a British pediatrician and psychoanalyst "Donald Winnicott", which indicates a condition of inner discomfort of the new mother, and which usually arises after the 1st week after birth and generally falls within a few weeks.
- Puerperal depression (DPP), which can arise from the 3rd or 4th week after delivery and can last up to a year.
- Postpartum psychosis which is obviously the most serious form, fortunately it is a very rare form .
What are the symptoms to recognize depression?
The first symptoms are sadness, feeling low of spirits, and " having" easy crying. These are the symptoms that are to be placed in the Baby Blues and that generally last a few weeks.
In the "DPP" depression we will be faced with irritability, anxiety, insomnia, lack of appetite or the opposite, a feeling of annoyance or in any case of weight towards the child, inadequacy in the care of the same, lack of concentration in daily tasks. In puerperal psychosis we will have a state of agitation and confusion, severe mood alteration, hallucinations and delusions.
How to prevent and deal with post-natal depression?
One of the important things is dialogue, talking about one's anxieties and difficulties to one's partner, relatives or friends in order to create a family support around him, to confess fears and anxieties is not a sign of weakness but of strength. It is good to remember "parents are not born, they become".
Power is the second priority point. It must be balanced, so meat, fish, eggs, carbohydrates in the right measure and possibly whole, fruit and vegetables should not be missing . We can integrate with B vitamins (brewer's yeast) or Royal Jelly, excellent support for the nervous system, and for the change that is being faced.
Remember to cut out a small space for us, maybe a few minutes with a small meditation that regenerates the mind and cancels negative thoughts, it is useful to walk outdoors even to resume your physical form after giving birth. Psychological support could also be useful .
Bach flowers
If the situation does not fit following the main rules, nutrition and vitamins, Bach Flowers can be very useful, also because you do not go to interact with anything and even in case of breastfeeding it could be the best solution. Initially we can help with the Rescue Remedy, waiting for an appointment with a flower-therapist and within a very short time we can solve the problem and enjoy the joy of motherhood.
Natural products
As natural antidepressant products one of the best is the Ipperico in tablets or TM, but it should not be used during breastfeeding, it is a photo-sensitizer, it interacts with contraceptives and anticoagulants, it could also create adverse effects such as agitation and tachycardia like all antidepressants, we can help you to improve the sleep of Chamomile, Melissa Teas .
Useful to create a peaceful environment that can reassure the child and parents through the fragrance in diffusion with Essential Oils, such as Lavender, Sweet Orange, Verbena.