Magnesium, effects of deficiency and excess

An adult's body contains about 25 mg of magnesium; more than half are found in the bones, about a third in the muscles, the rest is distributed mainly in the blood, in the liver, in the kidneys and in the digestive tract.

Magnesium, therefore, is very important for the health of the whole organism, but above all for the development and well-being of the bones.

It is also essential for preserving muscle health, including that of the most important muscle we possess: the heart.

Effects of magnesium deficiency

There is talk of magnesium deficiency when the plasma concentration is less than 1.9 mg / dl.

The symptoms of magnesium deficiency are different and non-specific ; that is, they are common to those of numerous pathological conditions. The best known are:

> asthenia,

> irritability,

> depressed mood,

> muscle cramps,

> tremors,

> insomnia.

In the case of severe hypomagnesemia, cardiac arrhythmias and arterial hypertension can also be found.

In pregnancy, magnesium deficiency can cause uterine contractions, with the consequent risk of premature birth. In women of fertile age, an insufficient supply of magnesium is often associated with a painful premenstrual and menstrual syndrome.

Do you know supreme magnesium?

Prevent magnesium deficiency

To prevent magnesium deficiency, it is above all necessary to follow a diet rich in vegetables, especially seasonal fruits and vegetables, oilseeds, legumes and whole grains.

Most of the magnesium present in cereals is lost by refining, which is another reason to avoid too elaborate flours .

Cocoa is also particularly rich in magnesium and, consequently, chocolate, especially the extra dark chocolate. Magnesium can also be obtained from fish products, meat and dairy products. In summary, this mineral is ubiquitous, but is found mainly in plants .

When the magnesium taken with the diet is not enough, specific supplements can be used. Magnesium supplementation is recommended especially during pregnancy, in the case of painful premenstrual syndrome and in menopausal women.

Another risk factor for magnesium deficiency is excessive sweating ; supplements containing this mineral are therefore also recommended for people who practice intense sporting activity and those who suffer from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

There are some medicinal herbs that help to prevent and correct magnesium deficiency, for example nettle, fenugreek and exquisetus. If you are pregnant, never use herbs without first asking for a doctor's advice; in fact, some plants can be harmful in the nine months of gestation.

Effects of magnesium excess

An excess of magnesium caused by nutrition is very rare, almost impossible. This is more likely to be caused by too high a intake of magnesium-containing supplements; extra reason not to take these products lightly; before resorting to supplements it is always advisable to seek expert advice, such as using Epsom salts.

The symptoms of excess magnesium are similar to those of deficiency; for example, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and nausea can appear.

Sufferers of kidney failure are more exposed to the risk of magnesium toxicity because the kidneys are unable to eliminate excess mineral.

Magnesium deficiency? Tips for integrating it

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