Spring has arrived and with it a period of transition that is beautiful to observe in the nature around us, but also to indulge from within.
After the big binges or during the change of season, but also when one decides to undertake a total purification process, the body feels the need to choose new ways to go for its own cleanliness and for its own well-being, therefore also its new herbal tea to start over.
Here are a couple of proposals and recipes for purifying herbal teas that will help you, along with a balanced purifying diet and healthy movement, to strip you of winter and start in shape, purified and full of new energy to face the change of season.
Purifying artichoke herbal tea, but not only!
The artichoke is purifying and remineralizing par excellence, a precious source of potassium and iron salts, the active ingredient that promotes diuresis and biliary secretion is cynarin. The action of its herbal tea improves thanks to the addition of carminative and deflating herbs.
Ingredients and preparation : the preparation of a purifying artichoke-based herbal tea is quite simple. Three types can be prepared:
- only with artichoke leaves, for those who are not afraid of bitterness;
- artichoke and fennel (some fruit), for those who want to add a carminative and deflating action; c
- artichoke (30 grams), chicory root (15 grams), a piece of licorice root, a few leaves of peppermint and lemon balm, to "sweeten" the slightly unpleasant taste of the artichoke.
For the preparation of the three herbal teas it will be sufficient to boil a cup of water, turn off the heat and leave to infuse for about a quarter of an hour. Subsequently you will have to provide for the filtering and then you can drink, in small sips. It is advisable not to add any sweetener, but if you can not do without it because it is too bitter, a tablespoon of acacia honey can help you.
Use : drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, before going to sleep.
Properties : diuretic, stimulating, remineralizing.
Read also how to purify with water and salt
Purifying purifying herbal tea based on turmeric and dandelion
Thanks to the properties of dandelion and turmeric, the herbal tea that results from their union, can be ideal to promote a natural depuration of the body to help eliminate toxins accumulated over time and reduce fermentation processes.
If fennel or cumin is added, the herbal tea also acquires a high deflating power .
Milk thistle is an epaprotector, it treats liver pathologies, while mint is able to perform a beneficial action against problems connected to the stomach and intestines.
Ingredients and preparation :
> dandelion (grass): 30g,
> curcuma (rhizome): 20g,
> cumin (fruits): 10g,
> milk thistle (seeds): 20g,
> mint (leaves): 20g.
Put a spoonful of herbal soup mixture in about 200 ml of water, leave to infuse for a few minutes, until cooled.
Use : Consume purifying dandelion and turmeric herbal tea a couple of times a day.
Properties : deflating, depurative, epaprotectives.
Nb : the organism's "spring cleaning" is completed with a healthy liver diet, movement and targeted yoga and breathing exercises, deep cleansing of the intestine, skin and hair, also through massages, exfoliation, baths of steam, inhalations and specific spa sessions. You can also try specific spring teas.