Folic acid and natural supplements

On the benefits of folic acid - not only for pregnancy - so much has been said.

It is important to know, however, that our body does not itself produce folic acid, but must take it through nutrition also thanks to the production of the "friendly" bacteria of the intestinal bacterial flora.

In cases where there is an increased need or a lack of folic acid, it is good to immediately take steps to correct them, with proper integration .

The recommended daily folic acid doses are between 50 and 200 mcg (micrograms) according to age - with a maximum of 1 milligram per day - and increase during pregnancy, up to 4 milligrams per day in the case of women at risk for problems congenital.

What are the natural folic acid supplements? It's not that simple, let's try to understand more.

Folic acid and natural supplements: foods

The ISS, Istituto Superiore di Sanità recommends, first of all, to increase the intake of folates through consumption of the foods that are richer in it, that is:

> Vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower have a high content of folates : 300-100 mcg / 100g;

> Fruits such as citrus fruits (oranges, clementines, mandarins), avocado, kiwi; dried fruit (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts) have a good content of folates: 99-30 mcg / 100g;

> Whole grains have a good content of folates : 99-30 mcg / 100g;

> Legumes such as beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas have a good content of folates : 99-30 mcg / 100g;

> Eggs: they have a good content of folates : 50 mcg / 100g.

One note: cooking destroys about 90% of the vitamins contained in food, therefore we recommend the consumption of raw fruit and vegetables.

Folic acid and natural supplements: fortified foods

Fortification is defined as the process by which certain minerals or vitamins of synthetic origin are added to foods during production.

It also happens for folic acid; foods fortified with the addition of synthetic folic acid are above all:

> Breakfast cereals;

> biscuits;

> rusks;

> fruit juices.

A note: we recommend a moderate use of foods fortified with folic acid, to avoid excessive intake (the maximum daily dose is one milligram).

Folic acid and natural supplements: do they exist?

The intake of folic acid supplements is essential in pregnancy to prevent fetal malformations, or in cases where a low folate diet, with little fruit and vegetables, or in the case of anemia is followed.

In case of deficiencies, the doctor may prescribe the most suitable supplement, or a choice between:

> Natural multivitamin supplements, which contain folic acid combined with other vitamins and mineral salts, especially vitamin B12, which is also essential. Check that the nutritional table indicates that at least 400 micrograms or 100% RDA of folic acid are supplied. Brands that specify that the supplement folic acid is not synthetic but extracted from fruit or vegetables are preferred.

> Synthetic supplements: often contain precursors of folic acid, which our body transforms into folic acid; those that contain exclusively folic acid are in small tablets and are easier to swallow.

To ensure the body the right amount of folate every day, it would be useful to combine supplements with a balanced diet rich in foods containing this vitamin.

One note: an excess of folic acid taken with supplements is rarely symptomatic, it could cause abdominal disorders such as cramping, swelling, diarrhea.

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