Tea Tree Oil, natural antibiotic

The essential oil of Melaleuca Alternifolia, a name too long to remember, supplanted by the anglofilo Tea Tree Oil is a powerful aid that nature offers us. And who doesn't know it? By now it turns out to be one of the best selling natural remedies by us herbalists.

Tea tree oil is called "natural antibiotic ", but let's better understand how it performs this activity.

Tea Tree Oil, never again without

I think we all have a Tea Tree Oil bottle at home. It is among the very few essential oils that are easy to manage and handle, as it does not show any particular toxicity and is well tolerated on skin and mucous membranes.

The properties of Tea Tree Oil allow to place this essence among the broad-spectrum antiseptics, therefore antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, but it is also an anti-inflammatory, healing, immunostimulant, analgesic, expectorant, balsamic and venous and nervous tonic!

For all these virtues it lends itself to the treatment of many disorders in which a disinfectant "antibiotic" intervention is necessary, even if often for cases involving viruses and not bacteria.

> Herpes simplex : a very common virus (especially herpes labialis), with the formation of serous pruritic vesicles and epithelial cell death. It is transmitted with close contact, and then it can remain inert in the nerve ganglia for a long time and reappear in conditions of fatigue and fever, when the immune defenses are lowered.

We can use tea tree oil either directly on the lesion, or diluted for rinsing the oral cavity. If we are timely, at the first sign, when the feeling that the herpes is about to make its appearance on the lip, a drop of tea tree may be able to prevent its appearance.

> Warts : they are the result of another virus, a papilloma strain and manifest themselves with thickening of the stratum corneum, often on hands and feet.

The infection usually occurs in the pool, by direct contact on common surfaces. It is not easy to eliminate them but we can intervene with tea tree oil to block their spread even from self-injection, with a few drops directly on the wart and then creating a series of products for personal use based on tea tree: a few drops in the neutral detergent to wash, a few drops in the cream we use for the body, can guarantee a protective covering.

> Mycosis of nails and skin : onychomycosis and so-called skin fungi can be easily contracted in summer or if rubber shoes are worn that do not allow the foot to breathe. Tea tree oil is an excellent fungicide remedy, even if the effect will not be immediate.

Many advise the application of pure essential oil on the nail. From experience I prefer to dilute it in an ointment, perhaps of marigold for easier application management and above all to prevent the nail from turning yellow and flaking .

In this case it has an anti-fungal action rather than an antibiotic, but as we have said, tea tree oil has a broad-spectrum antibacterial action and, even on mycoses, if handled correctly, it is an effective adjuvant.

> Candidiasis: another fungus that fears tea tree oil is that of candida, which can affect mucous membranes, vaginal ones, oral ones. It is possible to intervene with topical lavender based on an infusion of calendula and 3 drops of tea tree essential oil, mouth rinses with the same formula. For vaginal use there are commercially available ova with an effective mix of tea tree, grapefruit seed extract and calendula.

> Dandruff : this nasty scaling of the scalp is often due to a fungus, in other cases it is confused with forms of dermatitis, in any case mix 3 drops of tea tree in the dose of shampoo for washing and also in a decoction of nettle for friction is an excellent solution to combat dandruff.

> Acne : this dermatological problem can be bacterial in nature. Tea tree oil can be integrated with many cleansing, emollient and moisturizing practices for facial care and pimples. A very effective remedy is a cream based on propolis to which to add 3 drops of tea tree oil for everyday use. Both remedies perform an antibacterial and bacteriostatic action.

> Insect bites : mosquitoes, horseflies, but also wasps can be unpleasant encounters that leave a mark. A drop of tea tree oil on the sting removes itching, burning and possible infection.

> Inflammations of the mouth and oral cavity, such as mouth ulcers, gingivitis, plaques can be treated with teatree oil in various ways: a drop in the toothpaste to wash the teeth, 2 drops in the water and mint infusion that we can use as a mouthwash and in case of aphta, directly on the lesion.

Tea tree oil, the Melaleuca Alternifolia

This plant is native to Australia and belongs to the Mirtaceae species. To obtain the essential oil the needle-like leaves and its twigs are used, with steam current distillation.

The scent of Tea Tree Oil is pungent, herbaceous, not particularly pleasant. Although the translation means tea tree, the Melaleuca has nothing to do with the tea plant itself, but owes its name to Captain James Cook who when he reached Australia at the end of the 18th century found in the leaves of this plant a ingredient to prepare a spicy tea and thus helped bring it to the attention of more in-depth subsequent studies to discover its virtues .

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