Essential oils against insomnia

Insomnia: causes

It is often said that to solve a problem in the most natural way possible it is necessary to act on the cause, without adopting only and exclusively a symptomatic remedy.

This observation makes sense: it is in fact probable that, if the disorder has roots in repeated and usual attitudes and mechanisms, once the natural remedy is suspended it returns to the pre-existing state.

And so insomnia, like many other ailments, after giving us respite for a while, becomes again the nightmare of our nights.

Natural remedies must not become, like any remedy acting on the symptom, a crutch to lean on and whose result is to make us limp forever. Natural remedies must also act on the cause, give relief, and solve the source of what creates imbalance.

Insomnia can derive from a multitude of factors: there is the insomnia of those who are too tired, and due to a physical tension state they cannot relax the body, there is the insomnia of those who suffer from brooding and it does not find peace from the continuous whirl of thoughts; there is the insomnia of those who have a wrong diet, too elaborate, and therefore difficult to digest, or too rich in stimulants and sugars, be they simple or complex; and there is the insomnia of those who must often change their routine and their sleep / wake rhythm.

In spring and autumn, with the change in weather conditions, the variation of the hours and the amount of hours of light and dark, it is possible to run into sleep disorders, to suffer from insomnia.

The causes of insomnia can be transitory or have been generated by long-repeated habits: it is therefore important to observe the moment when the lack of sleep has become more serious, to recognize what is happening in the present moment, in order to choose and use the most effective essential oils against insomnia.

Essential oils against insomnia

Essential oils act in synergy with each other and with the particular and personal status of those who use them. They allow the treatment of disorders by use in aroma diffusers, minimizing contraindications and maximizing results.

The essential oils against insomnia have long-lasting and immediate effects : passing through the sense of smell they act directly on the hypothalamus and on the pituitary gland, glands responsible for the regulation of many hormones.

The essential oil to be used to sleep easily and without tension is the essential oil of ylang ylang : its floral and warm essence quietens the body and mind naturally and gently, coupled with the essential oil of sandalwood relaxes deeply. Many blends use them as a base, mixed with other oils.

Other essential oils against insomnia can be used alone, in the burner essence, or in the water of the evening bath, or coupled in no more than two essences:

> Essential oil of blue chamomile and essential oil of mandarin : they treat restlessness, that state for which it is not always possible to search for a cause, but which is created following small and repeated stimuli experienced with stress;

> Essential oil of lemon balm and essential oil of lavender : both oils act on recurring thoughts and concerns ; therefore they help to stop the mind that does not allow to rest because of excessive work and for those who feel under pressure because of those who live as excessive responsibilities;

If sleep is full of dreams but leave you feeling anxious you can use the essential oil of mimosa : the use of a few drops in burning essences makes dreams more vivid and clear and allows the unconscious to communicate with the mind . It is to be avoided when one does not feel ready to explore a dark and unknown part of oneself.

In cases of insomnia due to sudden and particular events, the essential oils of marjoram and nard can be used as a first aid, individually:

> Essential oil of marjoram : it is a very useful oil for calming physical restlessness and resting body and mind ; it should be used in a few drops and rarely, since excessive and prolonged use reduces physical and mood tone too much, weakening rather than calming;

> Nard essential oil : it is an oil that can be used to calm the mind; this oil should also be used in a few drops and in emergencies, when you are in shock, for example, or after a strong physical and emotional tension .

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