Cervicalgia is a particularly widespread musculoskeletal disorder ; the muscles of the neck and the muscles of the scapula enter in tension, in contraction and, in the worst case, they become inflamed. The causes are different and in some cases there are completely natural and non-invasive remedies to treat the cervical.
Causes of cervicalgia
One of the main causes of cervicalgia is incorrect posture : in common jargon, cervical pain is associated with stress, a condition that is absolutely possible because an anxious state changes our posture, which becomes unnatural with respect to our axis.
When the latter are prolonged beyond the maximum possibility, the muscle enters the defense releasing an enzyme that contracts the muscle fibers so as to tie them together. The knot that is created between one fiber and another is precisely the contracture, which creates pain.
Effective remedies for cervicalgia
To dissolve the contractures it is necessary to heat the affected area with manual kneading and then act with acupressure directly on the node.
The condition of muscular tension is very different because already warm bandages can relax the area.
Himalayan pink salt is one of the best natural remedies that fights muscle tension, dries moisture: the effect is immediate.
During inflammation it is good to use remedies to calm the state, before undergoing massages: the devil's claw is one of the most used natural remedies in these cases.