What can't you do with your hands? Of everything! Generally giving a certain amount of strength and broad-spectrum movements that are allowed by your next joint, the wrist!
And when the pulse hurts they are really pains, since the evil can create invalidating situations that block the use of the hand.
The causes can be of various nature : an articulation is a receptacle of exchanges involving bony parts, tendons, muscles, nerves and to establish where the pain originates it is necessary to undergo specific diagnostic tests.
The pulse reading
The wrist is a bridge joint that connects to the hands, the contact with the world, the seat of our doing, of our touching, of experimenting.
The wrist allows the manifestation of the will to the hand, it is our relationship with action, our safety and flexibility.
When the pulse is weak, it suffers traumas easily, it can be the answer to an excess of tension, of will to do or conversely a lack of determination, a disagreement between what would be right to do and the lack of strength and decision-making.
Causes of wrist pains
Wrist pains can be caused by various forms of trauma: some are acute caused by a sudden accident, such as a sprain or fracture, others are chronic, due to wear, forced and improper use of the wrist such as carpal tunnel syndrome for example, or because of arthritis.
> Distortions : often they occur due to an accidental fall, because it is natural to try to repair yourself with your hands and the impact of our weight on the ground increased by the kinetic force of the fall gives a weight on the wrist that can create a trauma. In more serious cases it also occurs in real fractures, often of the scaphoid, the bone at the root of the thumb.
The Colles fracture is another trauma often due to fall and involves the distal end of the radius, but it can also occur in old age due to osteoporosis and deficiencies of calcium and vitamin D. Hematoma, swelling and pain are the most obvious manifestations of trauma thus important.
> Tendon inflammation : the repetition of even strenuous movements can cause inflammation of the tendons of the wrist.
The tendinitis of the wrist is insidious because it lasts a long time, also involves the micro-movements of the hand and is very painful.
> Carpal tunnel syndrome : is due to compression of the median nerve on the wrist .
Carpal tunnel syndrome can be very painful and debilitating and generally surgery is performed to loosen the compression.
> Ganglion cysts : they are small formations full of serum that develop on the dorsal part of the wrist and whose cause is not actually known.
> Osteoarthritis : involves the joint cartilages with lacerations. Often it occurs at a distance of time from a trauma suffered, such as a strong distortion or a fracture.
Pulse: an "articulated" articulation
The wrist is a joint composed of a complex bone structure, the carpus, composed of 8 thin bones arranged in two rows of 4.
The carpus joins the radium at the top, the forearm bone, and the metacarpus, the bone structure of the fingers. To regulate the movement there is a crossroads of ligaments including the carpal ligaments, the transversus and the dorsal.
The tendons then join the muscles to the bony structures and are connective portions that can undergo trauma and become inflamed.
The movements of the wrist are wide:
> Abduction : internal lateral movement towards the thumb;
> adduction : external lateral movement towards the little finger;
> flexion : bending up and down;
> rotation : rotated upwards and downwards.
Natural remedies for wrist pain
Given that we must request the intervention of a doctor to establish causes and cures, in our small way we can make some natural remedy to decongest, disinfect and deflate the joint in case of tendonitis or slight distortion.
> Ventilated green clay : it is a remedy capable of disinfecting, absorbing liquid stagnation and healing.
Clay is prepared by mixing it with water and a tablespoon of vegetable oil, even olive oil is fine.
It is important not to use metal kitchen utensils, but possibly wooden ones to mix the mixture. Once the mixture is thick and creamy, apply it to the wrist and protect it with kitchen wrap.
Within a few minutes you will feel a warm sensation on the whole bandage, because the clay is absorbing the excess of fire from the joint. When the clay has dried, rinse with warm water tending to cold.
> Arnica montana : we can then complete the treatment by applying a pomade or a mountain arnica gel on the wrist. Arnica has an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving action.
> Devil's claw : as a supplement, why not use a natural anti-inflammatory like the devil's claw? We find it on the market in dry extract or in a water-alcohol solution.
It also has hypouricemic properties, so it counteracts excesses of uricemia which could weigh down joint pains and cause gout.
The devil's claw is not recommended in case of gastritis and if anticoagulant drugs are used.
Also read Devil's Claw against joint pain >>