Feng Shui and modern lifestyles

Have you ever wondered when was the last time you met a calm and enthusiastic person?

How many times have your friends or acquaintances told you that they have returned to the doctor for the umpteenth time because of a strange discomfort, for having undergone several tests and for not having concluded anything, leaving the clinic with the usual phrase: "do not worry and try to rest, she has nothing, it's probably stress "... how many times has it happened to you in the first person?

If we focus on our personal and widely shared quality of life, we immediately notice how stressed, anxious, often irritable, dissatisfied, frustrated, unhappy and sometimes depressed we are ...

... A spontaneous observation arises: I have nothing, it will be stress, yet I feel bad, why should I continue my life in these conditions? What did I go to the doctor if he didn't give me any treatment? ... So I can't go on!

In fact, the doctor has not given us any cure because he does not exist! If the disease does not exist, what will the doctor treat?

Yet our body continues undaunted to send us the most disparate alarm messages ...

The same WHO (World Health Organization) following the usual surveys on the quality of life today, has decided to change the very concept of "health".

Health can no longer be understood as the absence of illness, it is in fact a state of physical, psychic and social well-being, where "social" includes every kind of relationship with the other by itself.

How can we reach the desired state of well-being?

To give an answer to this very important question it is necessary to go to the bottom of researching the causes of our discomfort.

This principle is fundamental both for our research and for Feng Shui and traditional Chinese medicine, but also for all those branches of the new medicine that we commonly define as holistic or natural or alternative:

useless to cure the symptom, it is necessary to heal the origin of our malaise or illness.


So let's briefly analyze our lifestyle:

from the morning cappuccino to the herbal tea of ​​the evening we rush to chase the rhythms of agendas too full of commitments (forgetting that very often we were the ones to take them), we live in offices and houses often all the same where everyone occupies his cell like a little bee and he proceeds like a computer in carrying out his duties, often working and living dangerously on the edge or beyond respect for himself and others (Strange to say but we have chosen all of this too! Without even realizing it!)

... we will not deepen, then, in this circumstance, the sources of pollution and electrosmog with which we divide our space daily!

Let us now compare ourselves with past lifestyles, for example, without going, unnecessarily, too far, with that of our grandparents ...

A first and very important point of division is the almost total removal from nature. With this I am not saying that to live well you need to live in a forest or dedicate yourself to agriculture! I wish, exclusively, to emphasize our total ignore the seasonal and daily rhythms, our continuous ignoring our nature as human beings whose existence depends directly on the sun and the territory in which we live!

Did you know that advanced countries like Sweden and Norway are also those with the highest suicide rate? Many studies have confirmed that the cause lies precisely in the absence of the sun for long periods during the year!

Our rapid and constant departure from nature has profoundly affected our perceptions of mammals, which over time we have learned to ignore, remove, suffocate, discredit, up to total denial; giving value exclusively to everything we wish to rationalize and consequently define as rational.

This is not in harmony with our nature as human beings.

We are not machines, bees or ants, we are human beings, and as such we are part of this wonderful world and participate first of all as animals and mammals, while, as regards species, we differentiate ourselves thanks to what I like to define: creative intelligence.

But what does all this mean? And what does it have to do with Feng Shui ?

Above all, it means that by not recognizing our nature, we do not recognize our primary needs.

Our instincts, through the body, struggle to send us messages of discomfort and discomfort while we continue undeterred to enjoy our "delirium of omnipotence" trying to invent new "painkillers" to treat the body, ignoring the instincts, and to control the world, the climate, the territory in order to bend them to false needs, forgetting that the great governs the small and that life on earth has developed only because they have come to create the right environmental conditions!

We are small!

We, like all other living beings, were born and evolved exclusively thanks to favorable environmental conditions!

We as human beings are able to recognize which conditions are favorable for our development and to seek them out or recreate them thanks to the creative intelligence with which we are endowed!

But ... we must first of all be aware that we are dependent, influenced and influenced by the environment that surrounds us as we are endowed with the right amount of intelligence to be able to understand environmental influences and intervene in our relationship with them; but not before having understood what our primary needs are.

What are the primary needs?

One of the main requirements as mammals is that of a den, without food, just as without shelter we are simply dead!

This is what our inner animal needs: a den that offers protection in an area rich in food.

We are talking about basic instincts and needs, also known in psychology.

Put yourself in these conditions means:

- to put our inner animal in peace

- have solid roots

- having laid the foundations for growth

- being in a position to develop our creative intelligence

It means having built the foundation for our realization as human beings and individuals!

The den

Modern dens are our homes, food sources, our work and our offices.

As having a roof over your head today is almost considered a luxury item (do you realize it? Primary instincts considered a luxury item !!) this, too often, is not enough to calm our instincts because more and more rarely this roof from really the protection we need; on the other hand our houses are packed with objects we don't need ... just because of our new inability to listen to us.

Knowing how to recognize one's own needs, first of human beings and then of individuals, knowing how to act to satisfy them and know how to put oneself in the ideal conditions for one's own development is Feng Shui!

Being able to act on the environment that surrounds us and especially on our and other people's homes or workplaces, in order to create well-being and promote the growth and realization of the inhabitants, obtaining proven results, means being Feng Shui consultants .

In us there is an innate knowledge that allows us to understand, if only at an intuitive level, that there is a profound link between the well-being of the ego, our body, our psyche, our social relations, our environment.

What often escapes us is what this link actually is, what are the most important or most decisive elements of our well-being and, above all, how can we have access to data in a scientific and rational way and eventually manage the issue?

Today Feng Shui is considered a human science that allows to evaluate and modify the relationship between man and environment in order to favor the achievement of a proven state of psychophysical well-being.

The results that can be achieved with Feng Shui are many, but the real key is one: thanks to Feng Shui we build around us the ideal conditions for life and its development, for our development, regardless of what our individual attitudes are but in total respect and in favor of a flourishing development of the same.

Feng Shui acts on our home or place of work in a process similar to that of psychoanalysis but inverse to it. In fact, Feng Shui starts from the environment, external to us, to reach our deepest part, to improve our way of living life and our relationships with others.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, there are no Feng Shui recipes according to which following a list of precepts can save us from the ills of the world and guarantee us a life as king ...

Feng Shui is a subtle science, complicated by the infinite variables constantly present in the environments.

Making this discipline one's own means learning to move and read environments in a profound and animal way by learning to rationalize and understand with the mind the meaning of each variable in order to be able to model it so that there is a constructive influence by our environment on our life.

And if we know nothing about Feng Shui ?

In this case we are not aware of what is happening around us, but, whatever the influence of the environment on us, it persists and involves us, with or without our awareness.

But we are all aware of the deep bond that binds us to our environment and in particular our home; we do not understand the language of our space, but we feel that it communicates with us and we with it.

We also know that current lifestyles are not under our strict control, we know that alone we are not able to change the path taken by today's society, but we have understood how to best face our daily lives, seeking in our environment the support and protection we need.

We know where to look for the answers we need.

We are finally aware!

Read also A Feng Shui-sized house >>

Luna Rossi

Three Qi Feng Shui

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