Let's start with a scene from a sparkling film that we suggest you see in the original language. The film is called "The sweetest thing" (2002), the director is Roger Kumble. But back to the scene. After a series of funny adventures, Cameron Diaz and Christina Applegate find themselves in a dressing room. One more beautiful than the other, but both chirp complaints about different parts of their bodies. La Applegate at some point shows off her enviable body in front of the mirror and mumbles annoyed against the flesh dangling under her arms.
We suggest that you look within yourself for the useful irony to aping in front of the mirror, like the Applegate, along with some exercise for the arms, useful for firming, toning. And get to have agile, light arms, like wings ready to take flight.
When the arms are not toned
In America they call them jiggle arms, the equivalent of "trembling arms", and they are the nightmare of both women and adult men who have crossed the threshold of twenty years. Sometimes the problem of dangling arms is not a question of weight, but of a lack of elasticity. It may happen that it is not a matter of pounds and scale needle, but of tonicity that is not treated. If we stay on the subject of nutrition, before going on to review the exercises for the arms, what you need to know is that the diet must be balanced, as to doses of carbohydrates (better if with a low glycemic index) and proteins (at least 50% of those taken should have a biological value), hypolipidic and slightly hypocaloric.
Exercises to get toned arms
Without talking about brachioplasty, the problem of fat can often be solved through simple exercises for the arms, aimed at firming. With 10 minutes, dedication and love for oneself we see the first results.
Let's start with the fundamentals: the push-ups on the arms, better known as the infamous push-ups. They should never be done cold, adequate heating is essential; heating is the starting point for anything, we will never tire of saying it: it is essential to avoid harming ourselves and preparing a proper workout. Choose any activity that performs the aerobic training function. Aerobics is the training that directly stimulates the metabolism of lipids: the use of the bicycle for traveling, long walks, dancing (even in discos), household chores (tidying the room, cleaning, tidying up etc.) and pedometer or exercise bike in the gym. After heating you can do 15 push-ups, 15 repetitions (per arm) of press, 15 repetitions of the curl version you prefer, repeating the circuit 3 times.
However, if your intent is not so much to enhance as to thin and slim your arms, the most suitable exercises are those that stimulate the arm muscles. In particular, exercises for lateral deltoids with lateral lifts are excellent, also with dumbbells, rear deltoids with rowing machines, dorsal and round ones with lat machine and pulley at 45 °. Abdominal crunch technique, oblique twists with stick are also fine.
... because well-being must be welcomed properly, with open arms!
Images | Victor Bezrukov