The maca of the Andes ( bot. Lepidium meyenii ) is practically a turnip, but not any turnip, we can even call it a superfood.
First of all there is to know that it grows in hostile lands, at heights ranging from 2500 to 5000 meters, along the Andean Cordillera of Peru and Bolivia, where the extreme temperature excursion and the hardness of the land are the masters.
While the pre-Columbian tribes considered it a true gift of the gods, it is little known to us : it does very well to the organism, to reinvigorate and reinforce, but not only.
The maca root is rich in essential amino acids (10.2%), mineral salts (calcium, iron, selenium, iodine, potassium, copper and zinc), vitamins (vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C and B vitamins), carbohydrates, fatty acids and fiber .
The benefits of maca
Thanks to its constituents, maca is an anti-stress and anti-fatigue root, excellent when you have to face intense periods of work and physical effort. It is in fact first and foremost an energizing plant , invigorating and able to strengthen the organism subjected to hard or debilitated tasks.
Precisely because of its richness, it is a perfect root for those suffering from iron deficiency or anemia: it helps to regularize the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
Tonic for the nervous system, maca is also beneficial for the immune system, reinforcing it and helping it fight off flu and fever, coughs and colds.
The benefits of maca are not limited to these: the plant, thanks to the alkaloids and sterols, also has an extraordinary balancing action on the hormonal system (hypothalamus, adrenal glands, pancreas) and seems to be able to promote both female and female fertility male.
The presence of amino acids also gives it anabolic properties, that is, it helps and stimulates the metabolism, particularly in increasing muscle mass.
Natural aphrodisiac, maca is also known as Viagra of the Andes or Peruvian viagra : in men it favors an increase in the seminal volume, increasing the quantity of sperm by ejaculation, and improves its motility; in women it acts as a stimulant for the maturation of Graff follicles and the enlargement in the endometrium.
It is very useful for all those women who suffer a lot before and during the cycle : it reduces the pre-menstrual syndrome, calms the menstrual pains and regulates the cycle.
Finally, equally important is its anti-aging power : maca is also considered an antioxidant and anti-aging supplement.
Maca, a root against spring stress
How to use maca
Maca is considered a real food, it is sold dried or in the form of flour . The dose of maca to be taken daily has not yet been rigorously standardized, and may vary according to personal needs . On average, 5 to 20 grams of dried root or maca flour or maca powder are recommended per day.
The best quality maca powder on the market is biological, sun-dried and hand ground to preserve its vitality and nutritional structure.
It can therefore be consumed in warm, cold or hot water, or added to yogurt, smoothies and natural juices. It can also be used as an ingredient for desserts or for bread (below we offer a maca bread recipe) .
Maca is also sold as a supplement in the form of dry extract, in parapharmacy or herbal medicine is found in tablets, capsules, powder and it is recommended to take about 800-1000 mg of dry extract during meals.
Even if there are no particular contraindications (if not in pregnancy and lactation, - with discordant opinions on this - for those suffering from thyroid or for those with particular allergies), it is always good to hear the opinion of the trusted herbalist or a specialist .
Maca flour and kamut bread
Ingredients for four people / loaves:
> 250 grams of kamut flour,
> 70 grams of maca flour,
> 1 teaspoon of whole sea salt,
> 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil,
> 1 tablespoon of maple syrup or honey
> Approximately 160 ml of water,
> 20 grams of fresh brewer's yeast,
> various oilseeds to taste.
Procedure : let the water cool down, checking that it does not exceed 40 °. Add the syrup or honey and dissolve the fresh brewer's yeast, mix everything.
Separately, on the pastry board, prepare the two flours and the oil; then pour slowly the liquid part and knead with your hands, adding the salt just now. Knead everything for at least ten minutes, until a ball with a soft consistency is formed, on which you will engrave a cross with the knife and cover with a damp cloth and leave at least three hours to rest.
Then take the leavened dough and knead it for a while, adding oilseeds, such as flax seeds, chia seeds or sesame seeds, as desired. Create some loaves that you will engrave with the knife, let them rest for half an hour before baking for about 30 minutes in a hot oven (250 °).