There is so much confusion in Italy about kinesiology. Corsets for a few weekends, random and approximate anatomical handouts, empty certifications. This discipline is very powerful and it is worth clarifying. We wanted to hear someone who works seriously like Monica Caccin, trained abroad in the Balanced Health and Advanced Course in Basic Kinesiology at TASK in London, with a doctorate in naturopathy in Brussels and a European Diploma in professional kinesiologist ASK and a Kinesiology Instructor CSEN
Monica Caccin's studio immediately seemed cozy, as my English friends would say; a pleasant, welcoming place, located in Treviso. Entering it was beautiful by virtue of this atmosphere but above all because of kinesiology before I had happened to speak seriously only in English or otherwise outside Italy. Yes, because the kinesiological approach has always intrigued me, I have seen its power as a patient and I continue to study its validity also in relation to the disciplines I love, yoga and taiji.
But once back in Italy I came across a series of expensive corsets and concentrated in a few weekends for those who want to become kinesiologists.
Looking deeply, I find the site of the systematic kinesiology studio of Dr. Monica Caccin. Browsing, I discover that he is also a naturopath, who studied kinesiology in England and obtained a Doctorate in Naturopathy at the Universitée Européenne Jean Monnet AISBL in Brussels. The contact, we know each other in person and, given the professional seriousness that I smell from the first moment, I decide to keep it in mind to really have a voice on kinesiology. And this interview is born.
If you were to explain the principles of kinesiology in a few, essential words, to someone who deals with something else, what would you say?
Systematic Kinesiology is a unique discipline and its fundamental principles are:
- Not judgment ;
- Acceptance, recognition and appreciation ;
- Active listening of people. Our job is to walk alongside the person, not to drag it or push it.
Is there a difference between applied kinesiology and systematic kinesiology?
Applied kinesiology is that discovered by the American chiropractor Goodheart in 1950 .
Systematic kinesiology is the synthesis of many approaches in a format of easily accessible knowledge, aimed at achieving and maintaining a healthy body and a functioning mind (integrates notions of nutrition, NLP, neurology, medicine, osteopathy, psychotherapy, acupuncture, reflexology, work on the body and energy) put together by Brian Buttler and Stephany Mills who built a system of use and learning of the same, hence "systematic".
She was trained abroad. The seriousness with which it operates proves it. It seems an unpleasant or offensive phrase for our country, but I constantly come across empty corsets and expensive weekends in which we pretend to teach such a complex discipline. I'm not saying there are no exceptions, but this seemed like the trend. Are changes taking place? Can you tell us who could turn to someone who wants to learn the subject seriously and what are the costs?
Right now in Italy I am not seeing any major changes regarding Systematic Kinesiology and, tired of seeing it continually diminished and dismembered, together with Brian Miller and with the support of Brian Butler I founded a three-year Systematic Kinesiology School, the only one ASK and SKSE authorized in Italy. Those who attend and successfully complete their studies will be trained to become a professional Kinesiologist. The school costs 1, 970 Eur per year. For all the information you can go to the site.
When to go to the kinesiologist?
From kinesiologist it would be a good habit to go regularly to make balances and this is because our main goal is to maintain health .
But this is not what happens because, first of all in Italy there is no true culture of prevention (in my opinion prevention means staying as healthy as possible, not discovering a disease in time because in that case something must already be treated) ) then because ours is a figure so little known that we arrive as a last beach, when people have already been seen by all without results and come to us for physical, emotional, nutritional, energetic problems because kinesiology allows us to discover the cause that gave rise to the imbalance .
The electromagnetic path to which each muscle is connected is called the meridian. Is this the same acupuncture mapping as Traditional Chinese Medicine?
Yes, we refer to the meridians of traditional Chinese medicine. The associations so dear to kinesiology , meridian - muscle - organ were discovered by Goodheart, founding father of kinesiology.
If you were to do an average, would you know if there is a specific meridian whose imbalance customers report more frequently? And could he connect it to reasons connected with specific aspects of the direction in which the world is going?
Only one meridian is a bit difficult, but I can tell you that the most popular are the kidney which is the meridian that manages the fears, the liver that manages the anger and the spleen-pancreas that manages the worries and the "brooding". Today, in fact, everything revolves around fear, for example fear of losing a job, fear of relating to others, fear of being attacked, fear of the end of the world, etc. etc.
Anger is also a great protagonist: just turn on the TV to hear how much anger there is around! people are angry because they have no money, because things do not change, and generally because they are frustrated.
The concerns then push people to assimilate more sugars to feel satisfied, with all the consequences that this abuse brings.
What are the muscles for her? You explain it to us also using metaphors or evocative images, you explain it to us according to what you have learned from your years of practice.
For the Kinesiologist, the muscles are like the dashboard of the car . In our car, the ignition of a light indicates that there is a malfunction in some part of the engine. In the same way, our body signals an imbalance through the weakness of a muscle (by weakness we mean Kinesiological weakness, not physical strength).
Is the imbalance on which the kinesiologist works, emotional, energetic and physical? What distinguishes this profession from that of the osteopath?
Kinesiology allows us to work on all the parts that make up the human being, the physical, the nutritional, the emotional and the energetic, or as each of these interact with each other, influencing both negatively and positively .
the body does not function in watertight compartments, so to have a real vision of the problem we must consider the person in his totality and above all in his uniqueness. For example, people may experience physical problems but the cause may be emotional or nutritional and vice versa .
Kinesiology reveals these relationships to us by letting the body of the person guide us towards the definitive solution of the problem, suggesting to us what stimuli the body needs to then trigger the self- healing mechanism . Osteopathy is also a complementary medicine that seeks disharmony through the investigation of the structural system, visceral, craniosacral and fascial and treats them through very deep and particular osteopathic manipulations. Many osteopaths also use the kinesiological muscle test to speed up their investigation.
She is also a naturopathic member of the Naturopathic Order at the Union Européenne de Naturopathie with a Doctorate in Naturopathy from the Universitée Européenne Jean Monnet AISBL in Brussels. How do naturopathy and kinesiology dialogue within you and how do your clients benefit from the integrated approach?
He must know that when I first studied Kinesiology they taught us many techniques and some of these included testing meridians, bach flowers, phytotherapists etc etc ..
At the end of the school I realized that I used tools that I really knew very little about, because in the school there were no in-depth studies of these, but only how to test them. As much as I liked and trusted the results of Kinesiology, I didn't want to do acts of faith; instead I wanted to know everything I tested and for this I decided to do the naturopathy school.
Today all this additional information allows me to make more in-depth connections to arrive at the cause of the customer's imbalance, also allowing me to make him more aware of the self-healing path he has taken. This is why today our School also integrates the basic notions of these subjects into the Kinesiology program.
She is also a PSYCH-K® facilitator. Can you explain what it is?
It is a technique that makes use of the Kinesiological test to discover a person's unconscious beliefs . Through hemispheric integration exercises, you can change these beliefs and turn them into positive goals that the person wants to achieve.