Electrosensitive - Part 2

Your cell phone in your pocket

An analysis of the methods of exposure showed that, in the case of mobile phones, a fraction estimated between 30% and 50% of the radiated energy is absorbed by the head. The risk is high that the waves interfere with the eyes (opacification of the lens), ears, brain and gonads (with reduced fertility), generating an increase in temperature and related damages such as memory drops, glaucoma and others.

Dr. Imre Fejes, of the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the University of Szeged in Hungary, states, in no uncertain terms, that men's habit of carrying a cell phone in a pocket or hanging from a belt can reduce the number of spermatozoa by 30% active . In short, keeping your cell phone close to precious and delicate private parts for too long is harmful to fertility . Dr. Fejes, along with his team of researchers, analyzed the sperm of 221 men and, at the same time, investigated their use of the mobile phone. At the end, an alarming correlation was found between the reduced concentration of the sperm and the habit of holding the phone in a pocket or belt. However, Fejes himself stated that further research is needed to confirm this alarm.

Research and position of the World Health Organization

In scientific literature it is possible to find various researches that claim to have found no cause-effect link between cell phone use and cancer. These researches have often been financed by the same manufacturers of telephones, and their results are countered by many that have shown opposite results. In 1993, US researcher Henry Lai published a study on the effect of electromagnetic waves from mobile phones on rats. These, in fact, once exposed for 2 hours to the waves of a common cell, presented traces of interrupted DNA: a biological effect that can be the origin of cancer. In 1998, another researcher by the name of Jerry Philips, replicated the experiments carried out on rats, this time using human cells. The results were the same: traces of interrupted DNA. On May 31, 2011 the most important verdict: the World Health Organization publishes a document in which it is admitted that cell phone radiation is a potential carcinogen, classified IARC 2B. Thus, electromagnetic waves are referred to as potential carcinogens, of which there is still limited evidence for lack of data.

The German group "Verum" has verified the effect of waves on animals and humans after exposure to electromagnetic fields, and human cells have shown a significant increase in DNA damage, which the cell is not always able to repair and that are transmitted to successive generations of cells.

From studies carried out in Sweden and the Netherlands it emerged how the waves produced by mobile phones are responsible for an increase in acoustic neuroma, a benign brain tumor found in subjects who routinely use a mobile phone (using a mobile phone routinely means using a mobile phone or a cordless phone for about an hour a day).

The case in Italy of Innocente Marcolini is striking, with the diagnosis of a benign trigeminal tumor, to which the Court of Cassation has recognized the damage due to prolonged use of the mobile phone. Marcolini has been granted a disability pension of 80%.

Moreover, a reduction in cognitive functions has been highlighted, especially in children, who are more vulnerable since they have less thick cranial bones and the brain is still forming.

It appears quite evident that the damage is related to the time in which the telephone is used: in fact, in those who have been using it for more than 10 years, the possibility of contracting the glioma (malignant tumor that mainly affects the nervous tissue of the brain) has increased of 20%, and those of manifesting an acoustic neuroma of 30%. Further studies have been carried out to investigate the relationship between exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields and the onset of acute infantile leukemia. It was found that children exposed to these waves fell three times more ill than those who were not exposed.

Recommendations for use: how to protect yourself

Difficult to protect yourself from waves in an area where every person has a cell phone and is increasingly given to children from 10 years of age. The latter is then an absurdity and means exposing a weaker organism for a longer period to potentially carcinogenic waves . On the contrary, if we think of cordless phones and devices to monitor babies from a distance, the insult of the waves starts from the first days of gestation! Furthermore, the much advertised Wi-Fi network makes little sense, it is useless to wire the entire planet to connect to the internet and then make the last 10 meters via radio, with all the resulting consequences. Activating a Wi-Fi modem in your home is like having a telephone antenna in your home, so it's better to connect via cable. If we add to this a whole series of equipment that remains on standby during the night and maybe we sleep with a clock radio on the bedside table, I have worse with a cell phone near my head, well, you have a reason for your disturbed sleep.

A document presented by the Commission of the European Council wants to apply the precautionary principle in schools where the use of the devices should be forbidden and to inform the students about the potential risks, with awareness campaigns.

The director of the Canadian university of Lakehead, Fred Gilbert, has decided to take note of the ambiguity of the studies until now carried out and to exclude therefore the Wi-Fi from the possible solutions of navigation proposed to its students. There is a part of scientific literature that speaks of possible, and fairly significant, damage to health, and according to Gilbert this is enough to suspend the use of the system until there is greater clarity. This is an example of applying the precautionary principle. Dr. Fiorenzo Marinelli, biologist of the CNR of Bologna, who for years has been conducting studies on the effects of electromagnetic waves, has no doubt that the waves have negative influences on the organism and recommends using the mobile phone only in cases of emergency, and keeping it as far away as possible when not in use.

To date on the market there are special paintings and shielding curtains to protect themselves from external waves, with which excellent results can be obtained, but it is clear that first of all it is necessary to "clean up" the house from the inside. An old mattress with springs or a metal structure of the bed can be very harmful because the metal tends to absorb and increase the effect of the waves, just as a cable of electricity passing behind the headboard can disturb sleep. For those interested in the net you will find many other tips to manage your own electrosensitivity. The updated report is online, prepared by 29 scientists on the dangers of radio frequency exposure.

Discover also Electro, the Australian flowers that protect against electromagnetic fields

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