A good year ... yogic!

A new year appears on the horizon full of good intentions and projects that are waiting to be realized . It explodes with potential that we dream can translate into successes and victories, smells of hope and laughs at possibilities.

We cannot but hope that the wind of Fortune remains entangled in your life for as long as possible and that the existence is generous with abundant, material, but above all spiritual gifts.

Our best wishes for the new year we want to make you in an unusual and ... yogic, of course!

Every asana, a wish for a happy new year!

Surya Namaskara (sun salutation)

May the sun shine within you, always, even when the storm roars outside. We wish you never to stop shining, beyond the bitter disappointments and painful frustrations.

We therefore welcome the new year with the sun salutation, an energetic sequence that melts and vitalizes the physical body ; we make our own the fluid passages, the powerful asanas and the symbolism charged with homage: the Sun, the Fire never cease to burn inside each of you, give you the vitality essential to carry out the objectives, the passion that makes life intense, the heat that thaws the moments of discouragement and impasse.

We open the windows and let the sun enter our lives!

Virabhadrasana (position of the warrior)

We know that life is not a carpet of flowers. Despite all the commitment and dedication, the difficulties knock on our door every day .

Our wish is to become warriors (non-violent) and to welcome even the bui moments with an ardent and combative spirit: without indulging in a sterile complaint or passive acceptance, we learn to face our battles with courage, loyalty and passion. In this way we cultivate our inner warrior thanks to virabhadrasana, in all its versions: this asana accompanies you in all the moments in which you must c onect yourself with the strength inside you, whenever you feel overwhelmed and frightened.

To find the temper, the courage and the right confidence in yourself, to learn to know your strengths and weigh the weaknesses, to face the newspaper with an open and frank face without unnecessary fears.

Torsion positions

Become fluid like water, able to transform, to adapt, to slip into every hole. Next to a warrior soul, the ability to be soft should not be missing in order not to stand up to inflexible automata, blind in proceeding.

Torsion positions help you to experience the possibility of considering life from every point of view, not frontally, but circular, not in one direction, but in every direction.

We therefore wish you the sensitivity to take into consideration the position of others, the sharpness of vision in assessing the reality in all its aspects, the humility of being able to reformulate or even change an opinion or a personal belief.

As the water in its unstoppable flow adapts to the ground and sometimes jumps precipitously and sometimes proceeds placidly, so we wish you the ability to know how to adapt to each situation and to accept the present even accepting the inevitable cones of shadow, with conscious resignation, really precious especially in our days ...

Savasana (position of the corpse)

Finally, we have reserved for the end perhaps the most precious wish: that of inner peace, symbolically expressed by savasana . We wish you the luxury of being able to abandon you, of being able to leave the grip of everyday life.

Especially some periods of life put us to the test, undermine trust in our resources, crumble self-esteem, destroy hope: we wished you the strength of the warrior to face them, the adaptability of water to accept the consequences and, finally, we wish you now the calm also to let them go, the serenity of surrendering sometimes to the simple flow.

Savasana is an invitation to deep, physical and mental relaxation ; relaxation that is not sleep, but watchful abandonment and genuine rest. It is the inner source that springs up and, when we access it, it gives us new energy, new inspiration and new life.

It could happen that we forget this enormous resource within us, convinced that we must act and think in an unstoppable way: let's take the luxury of stopping, of abandoning ourselves and then rising from the position of the corpse to leave more alive than ever, full of energy, verve and resourcefulness.

Happy 2016, that is full of light, energy and inner peace!

Here are 5 more tips to start the new year at its best

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