Spirulina is an alga that grows in salt lakes with alkaline waters and rich in mineral salts.
This blue-green alga needs high temperatures ranging between 30 and 40 degrees to live.
In the rare waters where there are these particular conditions, spirulina develops and is collected to be used for healing purposes .
His knowledge is already centuries old; in fact in Mexico the people of the Aztecs used it for its beneficial properties and prepared natural remedies as regenerating drinks.
Its scientific name is arthrospira platensis and is part of the microalgae of the cyanobacteria genus, able to live to consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen thanks to the energy they take from the sun. These cyanobacteria are very ancient and played a central role when the atmosphere and the air that we still breathe has been created at the origins of the formation of the Earth.
Composition of spirulina
Spirulina is considered a superfood because it has a composition of nutrients and beneficial substances that is truly unparalleled.
Spirulina is first of all very rich in vegetable proteins : it contains all 8 essential amino acids. Its protein content is even better than eggs, milk, fish, meat and soy.
It also contains essential fatty acids such as linolenic acid (omega 3) and linoleic acid (omega 3) important for regulating fats.
Spirulina is also rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, K and in particular of group B (B1, B2, B3). Inside we also find a pseudovitamine of B12 that seems to be not active in the body, which is why spirulina cannot be considered a reliable and safe source of vitamin B12 .
Finally it is considered a natural tonic because it contains many mineral salts such as iron, calcium and magnesium and also micro- minerals such as manganese, chromium, copper, zinc and selenium. Spirulina is low in sodium and iodine another advantage for those who must have a low salt diet or have thyroid problems.
Also read Spirulina, dosage and benefits >>
The properties of spirulina algae
Its richness in proteins, vitamins and mineral salts make spiriulin an energizer, a tonic and a remineralizer of great effectiveness, for this reason it is excellent for any age as well as for sportsmen and for those who choose a vegetarian and vegan diet.
It has a low calorific value and is therefore also used for those who undertake slimming diets, having also a high enough satiating power . Even during pregnancy and lactation, it may help new mothers, although it is always advisable to consult your doctor before taking it.
Spirulina can be considered the natural supplement par excellence, useful in all those cases where nutrient deficiencies are present. Just to give an idea of the proportion, for example, the iron content is 34 times higher than that of spinach.
Spirulina, containing vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene, precursor of vitamin A, is an exceptional antioxidant; it is therefore able to counteract free radicals and prevent aging damage .
In addition, each vitamin carries its properties with it: by taking just two examples, vitamin C a stimulates the production of white blood cells and collagen for the skin, and is essential for iron absorption, whereas the presence of vitamin E makes the spirulina capable of activating the immune system and supporting the vascular system.
Not for nothing spirulina is useful to prevent cardiovascular diseases also thanks to the presence of the omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids: linoleic acid present in spirulina is a blood thinner with high anti-inflammatory power and is also capable of reducing cholesterol levels ; at the same time, omega 6 intervenes on the control of cholesterol values by lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and rebalancing the percentages of triglycerides in the blood.
Dosage of spirulina
Spirulina is usually sold dried and powdered in the form of tablets or in free powder to be diluted in water or other beverage.
The dosage should not be less than a gram because below it is not effective; the recommended dose is 5 grams per day . Usually at the beginning they are assumed 2 grams and slowly they increase up to the threshold of 5 grams. This dose should not be exceeded also to avoid any contraindications.
It is a good idea to read the label of the products and always look for a production certifying chain in order to have more quality assurance than this natural supplement.