The World Tourism Day ( World Tourism Day ) is celebrated worldwide every September 27th, a date that was chosen to coincide with an important event for world tourism, the anniversary of the adoption of the statute of the World Tourism Organization .
World Tourism Day 2015
The current year celebrates the 36th day of tourism and the motto is "One billion tourists, one billion opportunities" .
But the opportunities must be well thought out and well distributed. The main international organization in the sector, UNWTO, is based in Madrid and promotes tourism as a driver of economic and sustainable growth, offering the necessary support to carry out environmentally friendly policies.
The UNWTO encourages the implementation of the World Code of Ethics of Tourism, minimizing the possible negative impacts on populations and the territory, and is committed to presenting tourism as a tool to achieve the MDG Millennium Development Goals, oriented towards the poverty reduction .
It is no coincidence that the message of UNWTO Secretary General Taleb Rifai is " Every time we travel, we become part of a global movement that has the power to drive positive change for our planet and for all people ".
As stated in article 4 of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism " Tourist activity must be planned in such a way as to allow the survival and development of traditional cultural and artisanal productions, as well as folklore, and not to cause their standardization and their impoverishment ".
This code has been taken up by the papal statement, as a fundamental solid point of sustainable and responsible tourism, both for the planet and the environment, as well as for the peoples who inhabit it.
Day of tourism in Italy
In Italy it is reported on the official website of World Tourism Day the appointment of the Round Table on Expo tourism, on September 27th, from 11am to 1pm. It is a meeting entitled " Sustainable tourism, let us educate ourselves with young people safeguarding of creation ".
The event, sponsored by the United Nations World Tourism Organization and by the Cei Office for the pastoral care of tourism, sport and leisure, is hosted at Casa Don Bosco, the pavilion of the Salesian Family in Expo.
Three guests will be present, representing three different environments and different cultures in dialogue with each other: the Catholic Church, the academic world and institutions. Monsignor Mario Lusek, Director of the National Office for the pastoral care of leisure, tourism and sport of the Italian Episcopal Conference; Professor Stefania Cerutti, researcher in Economic-Political Geography, University of Eastern Piedmont; and finally Dr. Nicola Callegaro, head of the Sustainable Tourism Office, Director of Cultural Activities and Tourism, Municipality of Venice.
The goal is to make expo tourists aware of the issues of responsible and sustainable tourism . A photo contest was also organized for the occasion. The competition will evaluate the shots published with the hashtags # Expo2015TGS and #TurismoSostenibile .
More information can be found on the Social Youth Tourism website. You can also follow the day on Instagram and share your local event.
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> European waste reduction week 2015
> World Oceans Day 2015
> World Environment Day 2015