Heartburn: have you ever tried mallow?

Mallow is an easily found plant, it grows everywhere and is characterized by a violet-pink flower, it is rich in mucilage and flavonoids which characterize its soothing, anti-inflammatory and emollient action .

Let's see how it helps in case of heartburn .

The properties of Malva Silvestris

The mucilages, thanks to the inflating interaction of the water, create a thin protective film that covers the walls of the stomach protecting it from gastric acids, drastically reducing the burns.

Seat inflammation that reaches the esophageal tract due to reflux and also soothes the throat and vocal cords, which often suffer unpleasant consequences due to this disorder.

The mallow also plays a relaxing action and in this sense "speaks" to the burning stomach as a psychosomatic manifestation of a stressful cause.

Because of its broad-spectrum effectiveness, Mallow is indicated for all the main and most widespread diseases of the stomach and small intestine and can also be used by pregnant women and children.

Have you ever tried cabbage and mallow juice against gastritis?

Mallow: how to take it

This medicinal plant is very versatile and can be used in various forms, responding to the needs of the person who chooses to rely on his properties.

  • Cold macerated : it can be prepared easily by itself, leaving infusions and Mallow flowers for a night. Filter the solution and sip it during the day, before meals .
  • In herbal tea: the dry herbal preparation, in hot water to drink before meals (at least half an hour before).
  • Mallow salad : leaves and flowers, which are edible, chopped and seasoned with oil and apple vinegar (I strongly advise against vinegar for those suffering from heartburn).
  • Mallow soup : the vegetable broth is prepared according to the classic recipe (carrot, celery, onion); after boiling, add the chopped Mallow leaves, leave them to infuse for 5/10 minutes and then filter everything.
  • Mauve mother tincture: from cold maceration in hydroalcoholic solvent, obtained from the whole fresh plant. It is a panacea for the inflamed intestines and to relieve stomach ailments.

The Stomach: the great alchemist

Behind a simple heartburn there can be a world: organic causes, chemical causes, environmental inferences, somatized tensions and stress. It is always good to listen to the symptom, not to suppress it without first investigating the cause: hiatal hernia, gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcer, gastric reflux are pathologies that require specific care and the sooner the diagnosis is made, the earlier these problems can be prevented.

Our stomach is the great alchemist of the human organism, a laboratory in which a powerful synthesis of ingested foods takes place, which are "burned" and transformed. Fire is therefore an element inherent to this organ and does not create side effects in equilibrium conditions.

On the other hand, when there are lesions of the gastric mucosa or reflux, heartburn is felt. Among the natural remedies that can quell this fire and "talk" analogously to this powerful organ is the Mallow.

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