3 natural curcuma remedies

Turmeric is a spice with an intense yellow color and an aromatic and pungent taste that is extracted from the root of a plant called Curcuma longa . For years it has remained unknown to the Western world, while in India and Asia it is part of popular cuisine. Turmeric, for example, is a component of curry and is the spice that gives the characteristic yellow color to the mixture.

In recent years, turmeric has gradually become part of the Western culinary scene. Several researches have established the beneficial properties of turmeric:

  • turmeric protects the liver and stimulates the production of pancreatic enzymes;

  • protects stomach and intestines, helping digestion and preventing symptoms due to gastritis and colitis ;

  • it is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps relieve painful manifestations of the joints, such as arthritis and arthrosis;

  • balances blood cholesterol levels;

  • strengthens the immune system .

3 natural curcuma remedies

Turmeric, as well as an ingredient for various recipes, can be used as a natural remedy, as a food supplement and anti-inflammatory, or antibiotic in case of painful or viral diseases.

Golden milk ( golden milk )

To prepare golden milk (or golden milk ) it is necessary to have turmeric paste . Turmeric paste is easily prepared by mixing half a cup of natural mineral water with three heaped teaspoons of turmeric powder . It is heated until a thick paste is obtained. Turmeric paste is kept in the fridge for about a month.

The golden milk is prepared by heating a cup of unsweetened vegetable milk with a teaspoon of turmeric paste. It mixes to prevent lumps from forming. At the end of cooking you can add ground black pepper or powdered cinnamon.

Golden milk is excellent in the evening after dinner and before going to bed to facilitate digestion and assimilation of nutrients, it is useful for combining sleep, reducing fatigue in the eyes and liver .

Discover also the properties and uses of turmeric mother tincture

Honey and turmeric

Honey has various antiviral and calming properties on the respiratory system, and is also an excellent food supplement. Honey and turmeric together become a powerful natural antibiotic.

Preparing the natural remedy based on honey and turmeric is easy, just mix it with 100 grams of liquid honey and 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder . It is necessary to mix well to dissolve the turmeric homogeneously. The use is what is commonly indicated also for honey: dissolve a tablespoon of honey in warm vegetable milk, perhaps adding other spices such as cloves or cinnamon or even a little ground black pepper .

Taken instead without dissolving it in other drinks it acts as an antibiotic in case of cold and flu . You can use all types of honey, choosing the one best suited to the taste and the goal you want to achieve: for example chestnut honey is excellent against colds while eucalyptus milele is useful against dry cough.

Flaxseed oil and turmeric

The combination of turmeric with omega-3 fats naturally found in cold-pressed flaxseed oil amplifies the absorption of curcumin, the main substance that constitutes the turmeric spice and thanks to which it is as precious as natural remedy.

Turmeric helps fight oxidative stress and, together with the omega-3 plants present in flaxseed oil, make this a natural remedy and a supplement without side effects.

Preparing it is simple: in two teaspoons of linseed oil half a teaspoon of turmeric powder is dissolved . It mixes well and can be taken every morning. If the taste is too strong you can use this oil to season, strictly raw, salads or various dishes.

It should never be heated because the flax seed oil already alters at medium temperatures. This natural remedy is an excellent tonic, it relieves muscle and joint tension and inflammatory states.

What are the cosmetic uses of turmeric

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