Growing vegetarian children

Again, let's go back to the vegetarian diet, vitamin B12 and related topics, but this time with special attention to " homo sapiens puppies ".

We talk about it with Dr. Luciano Proietti, nutritionist pediatrician authors of "Figli vegetarianiani" , published by Sonda .

A chapter of his book is entitled "From weaning to 18 years". Shouldn't vegetarian parents let their children taste and know the taste of meat and then decide for themselves, perhaps at a later age?

A first consideration must be made concerning this society, which is the society of freedom, where everyone experiences what he wants to do based on a personal choice upstream.

A type of choice like the vegetarian choice is in any case linked to this society and is closely connected to the intentions of the parents, above all to their objectives, to the definition of what they ask for their child, if they want him happy, happy, healthy.

If that is their interest, we need to define what the rules of the game are . For example, if I know that baby whiskey is not good, I will keep it far away; or if I know that, leaving him alone in the street he is exposed to a considerable risk because of the cars, I will not let him run this danger. We need goals to decide. All our behaviors are linked to our knowledge. Any indication we give is the effect of a choice: driving or walking, eating meat or not, living in the city or in the countryside.

It is important to know that it takes the right fuel to run a motor well. The information we have is that we are omnivores. Furthermore, the new fashion in terms of weaning is that of self-management without documented and correct indications, verified. The result is a series of choices related to tastes and decisions related to the cultural and historical context.

There is instead to go back to the rules of biochemistry, if you want your child to have grown up according to the principles of adequate nutrition.

It is to be fully understood that the child is not a small adult .

The baby is a baby up to 6 years old. A real Homo sapiens puppy . Each mammal has a different duration of weaning time: chimpanzees are puppies up to 4 years, cows up to 2, rabbits up to 1 month. The puppy of Homo spaiens takes longer to become weaned, 6 years old. In that period of time the milk needed is the maternal one (to each mammal its milk). Among the characteristics of breast milk we recall that of being rich in sugars and fats, of having few proteins and few salts, no fiber.

Since fruits and vegetables contain fiber, it is understandable that giving these foods to the infant does not respect its physiological growth, since the milk has no fiber.

How many pediatricians do your colleagues are oriented towards a vegan or vegetarian diet and do they tend to give their patients suggestions on this line?

A dozen colleagues, probably about twenty throughout the national territory, among those I know. The indications of official pediatrics are generally oriented towards the message that the vegetarian diet would not be healthy.

In your opinion, food and disorders such as attention deficit disorder (ADHD) are related to the nutritional aspect? For example, can excessive sugar consumption be related to concentration disorders?

There are no data to prove it, but we must consider that the physiological needs of a child, so that it grows well and healthy. First, a child must live in a peaceful, psychologically adequate environment. He should sleep next to his mother and up to 5 or 6 years old should not abandon the environment of his affections. Secondly, I remember that a non-physiological diet acts on all the organs, even on the brain; for example, too much protein will make it hyperactive due to the acidosis process.

A child must then be able to jump, run, express movement with the whole body in full daylight. When these elements are missing the disease is formed, since, when we talk about illness, we mean a physiological reaction of the organism.

The official pediatrics after breastfeeding recommends cow's milk. Why?

This orientation is functional to the western society based on cattle breeding . No mammal drinks milk after the lactation period, including calves.

What do you think of the basically raw food vegan diet?

I always try to avoid ideologies and never lose contact with the physiological aspect. Physiology states that we are gorilla cousins who have their own raw food vegetarian diet. But their life takes place in the place where we appeared, or in Africa. Our evolution has brought us to Europe, where the flora and fauna, the climate are different. In addition, our brain structure is no longer that of gorillas.

From a physical point of view, the vegetable diet is optimal, but we must consider that the gorillas, while eating roots and leaves, also feed on ants, insects, spiders, worms. Feeding ourselves only with a plant-based diet, vitamin B12 would be missing. If you do not take food of animal origin or do not supplement vitamin B 12, you go into a state of deficiency.

What better advice for a vegan couple who has to deal with structures where they will leave their children and where, more or less definitely, will they cook meat or meat sauces?

Look, I've never eaten in the canteen. The alteration starts from the society that is pathologically organized and forces families to live in the same way. Eating outside the home is unnatural. Education is not linked to the canteen, there is no law that prevents children from eating at home. It's a convenience that turns into a limit.

His opinion on the discussed and widespread " The China study "?

Yes I read The China study and it certainly is a good summary of a whole series of researches between food and health already widespread 30 or 40 years ago. There is no relevant novelty in what is stated; the difference lies in the fact that official medicine and the university environment finally confirm and confirm these results with regard to the consumption of foods that produce inflammation.

If even a text so sold reaffirms a necessary change, do you believe that the number of people who will feel the need to follow that direction will also increase or will there be no change?

Change happens when you want it . You stop smoking when there is a goal, an end. Although science confirms how harmful white flours or animal proteins can be, change occurs from below, from within, from deep.

Read the interview with Giorgio Gustavo Rosso on The China Study Tour

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