Among the ancient herbal remedies we have the use of syrups and elixirs extracted from the flowers of medicinal plants .
These preparations were a real cure in traditional herbal medicine especially because they could be used throughout the year even when the flowers were no longer present on the plants.
Syrups and flower elixirs
The preparation of syrups and elixirs is based on the one hand the flowers, from which we want to extract the beneficial and nutritive active ingredients, and on the other hand a liquid solution usually composed of water, sugar and possibly alcohol .
The extraction process requires the immersion and contact of the flowers with this liquid solution for a well-defined and sufficient time that allows the beneficial substances to pass into solution and then be stored in the bottle.
In some recipes we will need heat to get the complete extraction of the substances and we can do this either by exposing ourselves to sunlight or using the kitchen fire.
Flowers collection
For the search of flowers for these preparations it is good to evaluate the place where to go to collect them and to avoid the polluted areas like the edges of the roads.
A good tip is to ask an organic farm if we can collect the flowers of plants and herbs that also grow spontaneously in the fields, thus having the security of being in a place where chemical synthesis substances such as pesticides and herbicides are not used.
Furthermore the flowers, when collected, must be in their balsamic time, in the sense that they must be at the peak of their production of beneficial and nutritious substances . To identify this moment we will have to know the month of flowering of the plant and so we will go to collect the flowers that have just blossomed and that still have pollen and nectar inside the flower .
This moment is however easily recognizable by the yellow color and the intense perfume that flowers give off when they are ripe.
Once the flower has been harvested, it should be handled with care and we will have to prepare the elixir or syrup as quickly as possible so as not to lose precious active ingredients; many flowers with these beneficial and nutritious substances can be used both as healthy remedies and as simple drinks that can be extended with water for a regenerating and refreshing effect. Think for example of the aroma of a violett syrup and of a honeysuckle elixir and how they can also make a baked cake or a pastry product precious and sought after.
Let's get to know some recipes of syrups and elixirs based on flowers.
Here are some special salad recipes with spring flowers
Elderflower syrup
Elder flowers are very large umbrella-shaped inflorescences that have emerged since May .
They are used as a traditional herbal remedy for diaphoretic purposes thanks to their ability to help perspiration which makes them so excellent also as antifebbrifuge .
In addition, elder flowers have a diuretic, anti-catarrhal and anti-rheumatic action because they are able to induce a strong purification of the body.
Finally they have a good pain-relieving power useful in many body symptoms and diseases.
Even just as a drink this syrup becomes exquisitely good to sip cool on hot summer days.
Ingredients :
> 8 inflorescences of elderberry
> 1 kg of raw cane sugar,
> 1 liter of water and 3 or 4 organic lemons.
Preparation : collect the 8 inflorescences, dip them in the liquid mixture composed of raw cane sugar, water and the lemons cut into pieces, preferably from organic farming, since the peel is also used. Someone also adds a little citric acid powder to increase the shelf life of the syrup.
The pot should be left for 2 or 3 days in a cool place in this way the active ingredients and the nutrients of the flowers will pass into the liquid and to make the maceration better it will be advisable to shake the pot once a day so that the flowers are well soaked in the liquid.
After 3 days we filter, removing the flowers and lemons, while the extracted liquid will be brought to the boil for 5 minutes in a pot. Subsequently with the still boiling liquid we can prepare bottles that we will keep closed in the pantry until the moment of need.
Elderberry syrup among the herbal remedies for colds
Violet syrup
Violet flowers are commonly known as edible flowers and are among the first to bloom bringing spring with them. With these flowers we can make many recipes and in particular a syrup used both for health purposes and as an ingredient for confectionery preparations or even as an elongated drink with water.
> 25 grams of flowers;
> 500 ml of water;
> 175 grams of raw cane sugar.
Preparation : the violet syrup of flowers is prepared by mixing the flowers in water with sugar; it is heated over a low heat and we will have to cook it until the liquid has reduced by at least a third.
While still hot, we can bottle the violet syrup in a bottle with an airtight seal. Once the syrup is open, it can last up to a year . Its use can be concentrated or lengthened up to the proportion of 1 to 10 depending on whether you want to make a drink or put it in recipes for desserts such as creams, biscuits, cakes or pastries.
Honeysuckle flower elixir
Honeysuckle flowers are used in folk medicine against influenza, colds and bronchitis .
These flowers begin to bloom from the month of May continuing throughout the summer until October. We will be able to collect them and prepare an elixir for curative use or as a simple drink if stretched with water.
Ingredients :
> 2 cups of honeysuckle flowers;
> 1 glass of honey;
> 500 ml of brandy or other liqueur such as cognac or rum.
Preparation : the preparation of the honeysuckle elixir requires a glass jar where to macerate the honeysuckle flowers in a liquid of alcohol and honey, previously prepared by dissolving a glass of honey in brandy or other liqueur such as cognac or rum.
The elixir must remain in the jar for at least a month and does not need to be exposed to the sun, rather it is better to keep the jar closed in a dark place.
After 4 weeks, filter the elixir and keep it for up to a year in a glass bottle better if in a place without light.
Borage flower elixir
Borage is a plant that grows spontaneously along the edges of ditches and countryside.
Its flowers are very characteristic and have a star-shaped shape of an intense electric blue color that bloom from May until the end of summer in September .
Borage is used in particular for its purifying property that helps liver function; it also cleanses the skin and acts as an antifebrile in cases of flu.
Ingredients :
> 80 grams of borage flowers
> 80 grams of raw cane sugar;
> 800 ml of natural water.
Preparation : the borage flower elixir is prepared inside a glass jar that is exposed to the sun for a few days. In the container we will combine the sugar and water, mixing very well so that the sugar melts.
At this point we dip the borage flowers in the liquid and leave the container exposed to the heat of the sun for at least 15 days.
After this time we will be able to filter the elixir and keep it in a closed bottle better if in the refrigerator . To drink it as a drink it will be sufficient to add a part of water according to one's personal taste.