Inside every cell of our body there are fats that play important functions: fatty acids, with energetic, metabolic and structural functions.
Fatty acids are the precursors of substances similar to powerful local hormones (eicosanoids), which are important because they control inflammation, the immune response, blood pressure.
Fatty acids can be classified as saturated fatty acids (SFA) and unsaturated . The latter differ in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) .
Among the essential fatty acids, which must be taken with food, arachidonic acid (AA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are considered very important for the well-being and health of the entire body.
AA belongs to the class of omega-6 fatty acids, EPA belongs to the class of omega-3s. In reality, what matters most is the maintenance of the right balance between omega-6 and omega-3.
The quantity and quality of essential fatty acids introduced through food affects the amount of omega-3 and omega-6 present in our body. Maintaining the right balance between omega-6 and omega-3 is of significant importance in the prevention of certain diseases (eg cardiovascular diseases). Furthermore, it is important in particular physiological states such as pregnancy and aging.
The ideal values of the ratio between these two fatty acids (AA / EPA) also vary depending on the age class and depending on the intake or not of essential fatty acid supplements.
An ideal AA / EPA ratio involves:
- greater efficiency of the immune system;
- an inhibition of inflammatory phenomena (which are the basis of multiple debilitating diseases);
- a reduction in the level of circulating triglycerides;
- a regression of the atherosclerotic process.
It is believed that the optimization of the AA / EPA ratio is able to lead to an improvement in the state of general psychophysical well-being.
According to the most recent scientific research, when the AA / EPA ratio is higher than the ideal values, it is necessary to modify one's diet in order to increase the level of omega-3 or simply to supplement one's diet with compounds with a high dose of omega-3 (eg fish oil). However, it is important not to exceed the consumption of omega-3. In fact it has been seen that their excessive consumption could, in some cases, reduce the functions of the immune system, exposing them to infections.
Foods rich in omega-3
The percentage of the omega-3 content of cereal products is very low and the amount of antioxidants is practically zero. This observation does not mean that cereal products must be abolished from their diet, but simply to control and moderate their consumption in favor of foods rich in essential fatty acids of the omega-3 class.
The omega-3 are present in particular foods, especially in products of fish origin (the richest are salmon, sardine, herring, mackerel and tuna ). It should be remembered that cooking fish products significantly changes the fatty acid content against omega-3s, this is the case with frying.
The omega-3 are also present in some plants and in some animal foods such as chicken, turkey and eggs, although it should be remembered that in the meat the omega-6 / omega-3 ratio is definitely in favor of the former. Omega-3s are practically absent in sausages and cheeses.
It is interesting to note that the farm animals have an almost unchanged omega-6 / omega-3 ratio compared to those in the free state, but they have a greater quantity of saturated fatty acids, so from a health point of view they can represent a danger due to the onset of various diseases (eg cardiovascular diseases).
The most common omega-3 fatty acid in vegetables is alpha-linolenic acid, found mainly in green leafy vegetables, legumes, dried fruit, linseed and soybean oils, rapeseed extract . This fatty acid is transformed into EPA and DHA. The latter are decisive for the proper functioning of the brain, retina and gonads and exert a protective action against the onset of cardiovascular diseases.
An excessive decrease in omega-3 fatty acids can be characterized by neurological symptoms, reduced visual acuity, skin lesions, growth retardation, reduced learning abilities.
The level of daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids, recommended by the Italian society of human nutrition, in a healthy adult subject, is around 1-1.5 grams . After a period of 2-3 months, the integration should bring the value of the relationship around the ideal values. Once this degree is reached, it is essential to optimize the intake of omega-3 in order to maintain the AA / EPA level around the ideal value.
The integration must be done taking into account the patient's medical history, pathologies and particular physiological states, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, and advanced age. For these reasons it is always advisable to consult your doctor or a nutrition specialist to evaluate the most appropriate integration, both in terms of quality and quantity.
Before starting an integration therapy with fatty acids it is very important to know your oxidative status. It is scientifically proven that, in the presence of oxidative stress and in the absence of a good antioxidant defense, free radicals oxidize fats. Oxidized fats are dangerous to the health of the arteries. So in this case, the intake of fatty acids would be anything but beneficial.