Farewell to the stoves in the name of raw food

Let's find out how the raw food diet works and what are the pros and cons for those who thought about adopting it.

How raw food works

In raw food we eat uncooked foods in order to preserve their nutritional characteristics. The only use of heat allowed does not exceed 40 ° C and is what it takes to cool the drinks.

It is not just a food choice, it is a precise lifestyle .

Raw foods include fruit, sprouts, salads, raw vegetables seasoned with cold-pressed oil. Raw foodists who do not follow a tendentially vegetarian orientation also take egg or raw meat, carpaccio fish.

Vegetables and fruit are preferably in season ; about food of animal origin it is essential to know the exact origin and have guarantees of hygiene, especially considering the fact that cooking is avoided, a process by which it is sterilized. Cereals and legumes can be taken if the seeds are sprouted.

Positive aspects of raw food: the pros

The renunciation of any cooking technique does not alter the natural composition of the food and this makes it more digestible . The raw food diet is based on the preservation of vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements. Also enzymes, fundamental for digestion, remain intact.

Raw food is suitable for everyone and is a good detoxifying diet . Strengthens the digestive system, allows to understand and contain food allergies or intolerances .

If you don't seem to know how to combine raw foods together, you should know that there are many useful resources and blogs of raw food enthusiasts, anti-cooking mothers and internet users who keep themselves away from the stove. You can find recipes, useful information on the history and origins of raw food and much more.

Raw food, never, never: the cons

The negative aspect that catches the eye: unconditional renunciation of certain dishes, which are typical of very precious culinary traditions. Other against raw food: sharing a meal with other diners becomes difficult, especially if you go out to the restaurant. There is also the risk of putting the owner or the hostess on duty in difficulty, offering a simple invitation to dinner or lunch .

Giving up certain delicacies does not mean doing without courses that are perhaps a little caloric but excellent; it also means having to do without light and indispensable foods for the body such as ribs, string beans, spinach, chard, tomato sprouts . Generally it is not recommended to follow the raw food to those who tend to suffer from colitis and, in any case, before moving on to a choice oriented towards total raw food, it is better to hear a specialist.

What kind of raw food maker are you?

To know more:

> All about the raw food diet

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