Lip wrinkles

The wrinkles of the lips and their origin

When the skin lining is subjected to frequent and perhaps always the same stresses on the part of the underlying muscles and the dermis naturally begins to become less elastic, the first wrinkles appear. Lip wrinkles are born thanks to smiles or because of cigarettes smoked, following anger or sad moments, shock, worries, in short, lip wrinkles are born through the action that emotion exerts on our muscles. But not only. When it is not a question of expression wrinkles, we speak of senescence wrinkles indicating those signs that the natural course of age brings to our body.

What the lip wrinkles tell us

Different types of wrinkles can form around the lips, depending on whether one gets very angry, sad or laughs! Let's see them up close.

  • Vertical wrinkles, likewise called "barcodes" or perioral wrinkles, are typical of those who smoke a lot, or are always with frowning lips.
  • The commissural wrinkles or labial furrows, are the peribuccal defect also called the "marionette wrinkle", which gives a sad and aged appearance and that goes from the sides of the lips, sometimes down to the chin
  • "The wrinkles of the smile", which, as the word itself says, are formed where usually some people have dimples.

Some remedy to naturally smooth the wrinkles of the lips

Of fundamental importance, to lighten the natural wrinkles that begin to form with age and the expression around the lips, is hydration. A good daily skin cleansing, accompanied by a cream (or oils) just as soft and nourishing, maybe rich in vitamin E, is good for the skin. Even better if everything is accompanied by a light massage around the lips.

The second piece of advice is to get used to doing facial gymnastics, for example by repeating the sounds "O" - "E" one after the other, slowly. Or inflate the cheeks, making the air reach the mouth, hold it for a few seconds and blow it out.

To combat the tendency of wrinkles to form around the lips it is essential to protect the skin using a good cream against harmful UVA-UVB rays; consume foods rich in "vitamins of youth", ie vitamins A, E, C and definitely quit smoking !

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