Svadhisthana: sexuality and creative power

Is there a lack of energy in the world that welcomes? We work individually on Svadhistana, a chakra linked to sexuality, to women, to creative power, to the cycle of creation

The place of the self, the place to which one returns

One day two years ago I was talking about the progress of the world with Mark, a friend, a chiropractor and a spiritual teacher. We were in front of a vegetable dinner. It was discussed how much the energy that moved the world in recent years was Yang-type, active, penetrating.

"It's as if the water was suffering, " he told me. I have been thinking about this phrase for days. And I agree. Even the personal water can sometimes suffer a lot, in continuous search towards the possibility of looking at the ocean of emotions with more detachment. Recently I asked myself, "Will this year be different?" A completely useless question, so let's try to answer it.

At the level of the Chinese calendar the year of the horse enters and therefore the trot creates that powerful force that revolutionizes, overwhelms. But the Tao teaches us that when it is full winter we are already at the beginning of summer, somehow, and vice versa (the peasants know it well). So this activity can be a good basin to see a new era emerge in which we look differently at social, sexual relationships, where taste is explored and certain psychophysical dependencies are reviewed.

I asked myself how, through teaching, this real emergence could be facilitated. Then, a flicker that spiraled my spine upwards: "Svadhisthana!" Poor chakra, screamed as if it were some Eureka "denoantri" (in fact, the cat was frightened by the exclamation and left the place where she slept peacefully mewing the worst insults).

Svadhisthana is the place of the self. The one who returns. What a teacher should indicate. Do not explain, because one cannot do the work of another. Show the possibility. To say - without saying it - that it is possible to act moving towards the center.

Find out more about the second chakra

Working on Svadhisthana

Associated with orange, this energy center is located near the genitals and its symbol is a 6-petal lotus in which a crescent moon, symbol of the water element, is drawn. It is often associated with a crocodile or the Makara sea ​​monster, ridden by Varuna .

The associated mantra sound is VAM. The deity that presides over this energetic quality is Vishnu. The connected body systems are: sexual organs, hands, language . Hands are contact, exploration, seduction.

It is no coincidence that svadhisthana is the main chakra of many artists who work with matter or the body : sculptors, painters, dancers, actors, choreographers. The sense organ is taste . It is a very powerful chakra; represents the dynamic balance of the continuation of life. Creativity and sex are the metaphysical spaces of which he is sovereign.

When we choose to spend time with people who nurture our possibilities of expansion, this chakra "smiles".

The techniques to increase creative and sexual energy

This chakra, when it is spinning at a good speed, guarantees good speech ability, excellent use of the word, easy convincing activity . It is no coincidence that these powers are linked to sexuality. I think of some yoga or sifu masters I met, who easily succumbed to the adoration of the students.

They are there to confirm that spiritual balance is precisely a balance, it is not stable. It is important to observe sexual temptations, as well as food temptations. Sometimes the strength of these impulses is great. If inner silence is maintained, there is a greater possibility that the utter uselessness of what is being surrendered opens up before our eyes.

This is why it is important to make love with those who feed us.

This is why it is important to observe how quickly the universe responds when we go in a direction that we know is not prolific. Not that it's there to punish us. There is no punishment. He's there to tell us. You need to listen.

Some yoga positions that work on Svadhistana are: Parivrtta Trikonasana, Utthita Parvakonasana, Virasana, Ustrasana, Uttanasana. There are at least a couple of specific mudras that honor the element that presides over this energy, they are the Varuna mudras. Within the vast world of tai chi, the small celestial circulation ( Xiao Zhou Tian) is a meditation that can be functional to Svadhistana.

Meditation, in general, regardless of the tradition of origin, harmonizes the energies connected to all the energy centers. One can work specifically on this quality by visualizing the Yantra symbols for Svadhisthana . Chromotherapy is also useful to release creative energy.

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