The body in Taoism

If it is true that creative energy and receptive energy are of fundamental importance in Taoism, it is also true that what is in the middle really makes the difference and must be ennobled, celebrated, maintained .

It is the body : it is in the human physicality that this unity is realized, man and woman are truly channels.

Harmonies, contradictions, balances and imbalances come together in the physical body.

Let us look closely at how the body was understood in Taoism .

The body in Taoism

Immortality is mentioned in many references to the Taoist philosophy . It seems a paradox that such an ancient and enigmatic current focused heavily on the body precisely to achieve what no longer concerns physicality, or the immortal state of being .

And yet it is so and for a very simple reason: immortality can only be achieved by refining one's energies and one's work in life.

In Taoist logic there is no distinction between external and internal . Inner rituals serve to strengthen and maintain vital energy. It is a daily and individual religion. By preserving themselves, the One is safeguarded.

Feeding in the best way with respect to its own characteristics, here we go to nourish the vital principle in general. In the texts known as Tao Te Ching and Chuang Tzu, which are fundamental to Taoism, reference is made to the internal alchemy of which a woman and a man can become masters with application, dedication and care. It is precisely the name "inner country" that takes everything that lives in the human body.

Each being is conceived as the ruler of one's kingdom, which is the mind / body. He is responsible for them in all respects. Self-cultivation is daily and passes through individual practice and empirical observation of the body, energies of the elements and animals.

In many cases, besides the solitary practice, one was followed by a teacher or a teacher and the celebrations also went with the seasonality and moments of necessary alliances with certain divinities. A period of fasting or active meditations could be required, sound works with gongs, individual recitation of sacred texts.

What do the texts have to do with the body? Chinese writing served primarily as a means of communication between men and gods, before becoming the one necessary for men among them. Thus the language is born with a strong ritual function and keeps it also in the future. The body as well is a sort of map where the main joints are head, thorax and abdomen .

Taoist wellness practices for the body

Qi gong is still today handed down sometimes following a tradition that is however very ancient and sometimes improvising unfortunately. It is a work of up on energy and can involve sequences of movements, static positions, rubbing of the body, certain positions of the arms and feet.

Breathing is very important as is intent . Specific works act on specific districts and internal organs, depending on individual needs and the season (each element is associated with a period of the year and certain organs, viscera and sense organs). There are basic sequences as well as sequences that imitate the animals associated with the elements. In many cases the position of the tongue, lips and fingers is important.

It is no coincidence that the mouth and nose are conceived as the doors of Heaven and Earth through which the energies of Yin and Yang, of life and death, are exhaled and absorbed. Many of these practices are performed in the morning, contemplating a general warming of all the joints and following movements to remove any blockages in the energy level along one or more of the reference meridians.

Even at the first performances it feels like being refreshed, with less tired eyes and sight, less exhaustion and the whole body is full of well - being. Many practices also concern the conscious use of sexual energy and the practice of moving meditation or comparing internal martial arts such as tai chi chuan .

Autumn in Taoism and organ protection with tai chi

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